The First Feast

Lin Wu returned to the Tomb after being done with the two ape kings and decided to treat himself to a good meal.

"I just finished a lot of tasks that I've been meaning to do for years now. This is the right time for a feast!" Lin Wu said out loud.

He quickly sent out messages to his servants to set things up while he himself decided to watch some screens to entertain himself. With the monitoring formations, there was always something to watch and Lin Wu could find some beasts that were having a fight.

Since he had already told his servants and subordinates to direct their underlings to fight and determine their rankings, Lin Wu had plenty of fights to watch. 

"Ahh~ reminds me of my childhood when I used to watch one wrestling match after the other. Just pure mindless violence for fun~" Lin Wu said to himself as he munched on some of the snacks he had stored in his inventory.