Ending The Battle And Results

Guardian Yun felt his body shake as his Dao Shell was hit by the giant blade. The collision was powerful enough to create a crater below the Dao Shell even though it had not even made contact with the earth.

The formation array of the entire mountain flickered, and the fog started to disappear. For a couple of seconds, everyone would have been able to see the true form of the mountain.

Guardian Yun saw this all and just hoped that no one was paying attention to the place. 

'Dammit, I'll have to make up something if they pester me again.' He thought.

Lin Wu on the other hand, was paying his full attention to the entire situation. This was his first time using this new attack he had made, and he didn't know what kind of power it could express.

In fact, he didn't even know if it would work against Guardian Yun at first. But now that he knew it was enough to force him to use his Dao Shell, he knew its power was substantial.