Vibrational Mining

Lin Wu's tail struck the Obsidian and only managed to make a small indent in it. Seeing this effect, Lin Wu's interest was piqued even more.

"Time to try out the Sapphire Qi now…" Lin Wu said before raising his tail again.

This time a blue glow appeared on its tips and get intense. Finally, when the power was at its peak, Lin Wu slammed it down onto the Obsidian.



Eventually, a crack spread in the Obsidian as the pickax finally pierced it. Half of the pickax had sunk into the obsidian. 

"Bingo!" Lin Wu exclaimed and started to repeat the process.

About a minute later, several fragments of the Earthen Depths Obsidian had been mined out and Lin Wu was now ready to taste them.

"Here goes nothing…" Lin Wu said as he threw a small finger sized piece into his mouth.

Of course, the size might be too big for a normal person, but for Lin Wu's cavernous mouth, it was the same as a grain of sand.