Unknown Effects Of The Agitation Jade

Lin Wu ended up spending some time with the weasel and asked him questions about what actually happened in all this time. The weasel, of course, didn't really answer him straight and Lin Wu had to work a bit hard to comprehend it.

But after about a day, he had finally got the gist of it.

"Never thought it would be like this… talk about luck." Lin Wu muttered.

Apparently, after Lin Wu threw the weasel away, he landed in a random place that it could not explain. But then it kept wandering for food and started eating the beasts around the area. 

It then smelled something delicious and ended up digging into the mine. Of course, that was when the Agitation jades had already started being planted. Lin Wu could not tell how many were already installed by then, but the Weasel said that he felt his head hurt.