Submission Through Demonstration

Tian Chu was stuck to Lin Wu's side, hanging by a spike that extended from his body. She hadn't even realized when she was picked up by it and brought here. She was far too overwhelmed to do anything on her own and could only be carried by Lin Wu.

But still, it was a strange feeling for her as the appearance of Lin Wu and his actions didn't seem to match for her.

Tian Han was feeling the opposite though and thought that Lin Wu's actions and words matched accurately. His appearance made one feel terrified and his actions intimidated.

"Wh-why… Wh-what do you want?" Tian Han asked while stammering.

"What I want?" Lin Wu replied. "Well, there are a lot of things that I want. But if you mean what I want from you, there are just a couple." He added.

Tian Han heard each and every word with focus, knowing that this might determine his survival right now. 

"What is it then?" Tian Han asked.