Quick Answers

Lin Wu didn't doubt that Tian Han was lying by now. His sense had grown good enough that he could judge falsehoods. 

"Is he saying the truth, system?" Lin Wu asked.

"Affirmative." The system replied.

'Hmm… then what could it be. The most likely person to do it would be someone from the clan itself, since they won't have to deal with the formation array. And considering that the sword was given to help him, the most likely person would be someone who is close to Tian Han.' Lin Wu thought.

While Lin Wu was thinking, the silence only made Tian Han more and more nervous. He felt like his heart would jump out of his throat if he did not get a reply.

"Alright… we'll get to that later." Lin Wu replied. "But… I want to know how this beast is still alive." He added.

"Of course! How the hell is this Crocodile Head Wolf still alive? I thought the patriarch and elders killed it!" Tian Chu asked as well.

"They… they did kill it." Tian Han stuttered.