The Result Of The Pedestal

While Lin Wu was going through the records, Yun Bai was mediating. 

He rarely even came to his clan and it was mostly once a year or when some problem occurred. Nothing unexpected had happened in the past few decades and thus he only did his normal annual visits.

While the cultivation environment of his clan and the peak where he lived at the sect were nearly the same, he still felt a lot better here. Thus, mediating here gave him a sense of calmness and helped him gather his thoughts.

There was a lot that had happened all at once in the last two months and he hadn't got the time to process it fast enough. But now he finally got the chance.

'The Frozen Cloud sect will be heading for a time of conflict soon enough. I doubt the earlier agreements will stand and if it really ends up in a full on battle, I will have to stand behind who I chose.' Yun Bai thought.