A Proposal For Allies And A Proposal For Foes

Lin Wu's offer had come abruptly and the Frost Foxes didn't know what to make of it. All they could do now was to look at their patriarch's face that was still as always.

"This… I don't know if we can do this senior. While we greatly appreciate it, we cannot make a decision in a short time." The man replied after thinking for a bit.

"No worries. If any of you feel like it, you can inform your patriarch and head on over to the Millennium forest. I'll know when you are near it and you will be safe." Lin Wu spoke.

"Alright, we'll think of it then." The man said and the other frost foxes started whispering amongst themselves.

For them, leaving the grotto was not an option, as they had never even comprehended doing that. While all of them had the dream of one day leaving this place and even the entire world so that they weren't suppressed anymore, they still hoped to walk out of the grotto just so that they could get rid of their boredom.