An Old Couple

Lin Wu still found it hard to believe all that had happened.

But looking at Tim who seemed to be confused, made him confirm that fact that it was indeed all true.

'What are you Tim?' Lin Wu couldn't help but question himself.

He was certain that there was a great secret behind Tim's origin, especially considering the voice that had told him to take care of him. Lin Wu used his spirit sense to check Tim's cultivation base and found that he was actually at the same level as him in a way.


"Seems like I'll need to hurry up." Lin Wu muttered to himself as he approached Tim.

"Happened what?" Tim asked.

"You broke through." Lin Wu replied.

"Me breakthrough?" Tim said in a confused tone until he checked his own strength. "ME STRONG!!!!" Tim said out loud.

The Dao Shell above his head thrummed with power before turning illusory and disappearing into his body.