The Final Member Of The Team

With two members selected, Lin Wu's gaze went to the one beast that was the most silent in the hall. Or more accurately… the only beast that dared to sleep in Lin Wu's presence.

This was of course…

"Wake up Tim. We got a sect to burn!" Lin Wu called out.


Tim the weasel's eyes opened and a fierce energy exuded from them for a moment, startling all the beasts other than Lin Wu. But soon it settled down and Tim's normal expression returned.

"Mmhmm… Bad dream…" Tim muttered before looking at Lin Wu.

"We go where?" Tim questioned, clearly not having heard him the first time.

"We are going to the Frozen Cloud sect." Lin Wu answered. 

"Hunting time?" Tim asked.

"Yes… this time it is hunting time." Lin Wu replied.

"Humans?" Tim asked doubtfully.