
Surrounded by twenty three Nascent soul realm beasts was very uncomfortable for all the elders.

Not to mention, there was an even stronger beast, the Twin Lights Liger King who was at the Dao Shell realm staring them down as well. Just the Nascent soul realm beasts were enough to kill them all, adding the Twin Lights Liger King to that was an overkill.

They wouldn't last more than a few minutes under the attack of the Twin Lights Liger King and any struggle would just be prolonging the inevitable. The cogs in their minds turned quickly, trying to figure out a way to get out of their predicament.

Unfortunately for them, their earlier actions had made a lot of possible solutions invalid. Regardless of this though, Minister Ting decided to try.

"W-wait! We'll leave. Don't do anything." Minister Ting spoke hurriedly.