Tilting The Favor

"Whoa… this is rather high quality." Upon sitting on the furs, one of the envoys of the Luguo kingdom couldn't help but say.

"Of course. We picked the best for our guests." The Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape said before giving a look to the other Nascent soul realm beasts.

They all scattered and it seemed like they had left the humans alone. 

The envoys relaxed a bit seeing this, and some event took breaths of relief.

"Oh? I thought you were going to keep us confined here with those beasts." Junior elder Kai Li said.

"The others were here as a welcoming party. How could we disrespect guests on the first visit. I've heard the human kingdoms have such customs." The Emeraldine Sky Light Monk Ape replied.

"So you learned about human customs as well… that is rather diligent of you. For a beast, you are rather civilized." Kai Li couldn't help but admit.