A Business Opportunity

Lin Wu smirked, seeing that he had accomplished his goal rather quickly.

"Greetings, K-King of the Millennium forest." Kai Li suppressed her fear quickly and ignored the pressure that she felt.

Lin Wu couldn't help but raise a brow seeing this.

'She certainly got some grit…' He thought.

"Greeting, I am the King of the Millennium forest, Lin Wu." 

"So it is king Lin Wu, please take my respects." Lian Xiaojian cupped his head and bowed, though with his fat ball like body, the bow didn't seem like a bow and more like a curve.

The other two did the same as was the etiquette. They would have been a bit disinclined to do something like this for any other king, but Lin Wu's mere presence told them that he was not one of the weak kings that merely had the title and no power.

"Now then, I was informed you wanted to meet me for some reason?" Lin Wu asked.