[Bonus chapter]Emeraldine Heart Spear

Soon, Shirong was done obtaining the inheritance and had awakened.


Taking a deep breath, Shirong went over all that he had learned in this time. The information was imprinted in his mind and he could see it just like it was a book in his hands.

"Such profound technique… and this is only the intermediate level inheritance too… just what level is Great Senior's ability at?" Shirong couldn't fathom.

Since Shirong had gone through the full trial, he had also gotten to know of the different tiers of the inheritance. While he was a bit disappointed that even with all his effort, he had only obtained the second level of the inheritance, he was still astounded by the technique.

Both the cultivation technique and the Qi skill that came with it were beyond anything Shirong had ever seen. And while he had not even practiced it yet, he could tell the difference just by a glance at the content.