Tim Versus Emeraldine Legion - II

The Demon Spine ape was stunned at this and tried to exert more force, finding that it was no use.


Tim roared fierily and opened his mouth wide. The many teeth in his mouth were in clear display and seemed very threatening. The teeth could even shatter and crush Earthen Depths Obsidian and to a certain extent even Lin Wu's body crystals.

Thus one could tell that they were even harder than them both and very strong. Anything being caught in them would not be able to survive.

The Demon Spine ape's instincts alerted him and he tried to retreat. 

'If he bites my arm, he'll be able to rip them off like cloth!' The Demon Spine ape thought.

And that was exactly what was about to happen, with Tim's sharp fangs reaching the demon spine ape's arms.

"APE KING HAMMER FIST!" But before that could happen, something else struck Tim.
