A Way To Contact Immortals

Lin Wu had decided to not let Lian Dajian use the flute to call for help from the immortal world, but he obviously couldn't show that openly. 

Which was why he thought of getting Lian Dajian to show it to him first and was even willing to work a little to convince him. But he had not expected that Lian Dajian was the one who would ask for Lin Wu to take a look at it.

"How is it that you don't know how to use it?" Lin Wu found it hard to believe.

"Well… while the ancestor did say to use the flute… he never actually mentioned the method to use it." Lian Dajian replied.

"Isn't it just a flute? Can't you just play it?" Lin Wu asked.

"If it was that simple, my predecessor would have done it already." Lian Dajian said with a sigh.

"I'll be honest, King Lin Wu. This is embarrassing but, my clan has had a lot of difficult times in the past and we often tried to call for our ancestors in the immortal realm. But it never worked.