Weak Boy

Feng looked around to ensure that no one was watching him before he climbed over the wall. There were two bricks missing from the part of the wall that he had climbed from.

'He's certainly been here several times from looking at the wall. Those were intentionally removed…' Lin Wu noted.

Having jumped into the compound, Feng went to the back of the building and lifted several old rags that were lying next to it. There was wild grass and weeds growing over the edges of the wall and between the torn rags.

But once the rags were lifted, moldy planks could be seen underneath it. Feng lifted the planks and opened up a gap wide enough for him to pass through. He shimmied his way through the gap and soon arrived in a wide open area.

This place was cleaner than the rest of the area, but there were still dark stains here. The air here was stuffy as well, making Feng cough several times.

"Huh… the boy had a hideout." Lin Wu was surprised.