The Boy's First Task

Feng nodded his head upon hearing Lin Wu.

It felt like the right option for him now and he was really excited to know more about cultivation as well. Feng had yearned for this for many years now, after all. Ever since he was a child, he had seen the cultivators do as they pleased without needing to care much.

He too, desired the same and wanted to become like that. This was one of his biggest desires. But it wasn't the only one either.

Feng had no parents and no one to care for. Feng didn't even know how he had appeared in Tieba city. He had asked the other denizens of the slums, but got no proper answer. After all, in a chaotic place like the slums, things were hard to keep track of.

And thus Feng wanted to find out more about himself and his parents. He knew he had to have come from somewhere and he wanted to learn where that was, as it certainly was not Tieba city.