Shirong's Opposition

The meeting between the Dark Plains sect higher ups went on for three hours before a consensus was reached.

The final agreement was to send a formal request to the Chan sect for collaboration, as well as the full exchange of information about the calamity. The thought that most elders had was that there was no way information about such a strong being would not be recorded.

This was the same thought that the lords of the Tieba city had and they were currently in the process of finding such information as well.

Lin Wu had returned to Tieba city's underground tunnels after his excursion to the Peony plains kingdom had had decided to pause his 'attacks' for now. 

'This should be enough to get them working. Now I just need to keep them on their toes, whenever they feel like the danger is gone, I shall act.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

"Though… the gains I've had from these are quite good…" Lin Wu said as he stared at the number in front of him.