Official Meeting

"Wang Xiong really is in demand, huh…" Lin Wu almost chuckled but held back considering that Cang Ci was here too.

He needed to maintain a certain appearance after all.

"Mmmhmm, Senior Wang Xiong can be considered one of the best men to have as a companion right now." Cang Ci agreed too.

"Your cultivation base is already comparable to him. You still want to call him senior?" Lin Wu asked curiously.

Cang Ci herself had never met Wang Xiong. But after coming under Lin Wu, she had learned about all of his subordinates and servants. Among them Wang Xiong had the status as the first human subordinate of Lin Wu.

Even Shirong didn't get this honor, since Lin Wu hadn't actually made him a subordinate officially. 

"He did join master before me. So I should follow the seniority. Plus, he has done everything master has asked for and served you for longer, so he is deserving of the respect." Cang Ci answered.