The Wedding Commences

Shirong's breakthrough was already enough to make the elders of the Long Clan think of him as a great cultivator. There were even rumors that the Long Clan's women were now interested in Shirong.

It wouldn't be unthinkable for Shirong to become a marriage candidate for the Long Clan's women. 

This was a great thing since the Long Clan had very strict requirement for marriage. They mostly married within their clans or got external cultivators to join into the clan. But the external people who joined up with the clan were almost never that of large powers.

This was done so that the power of the clan was almost always kept within the clan. 

For someone from the top three clans to be considered as a marriage candidate was almost unthinkable for them. But Shirong's accomplishments had made it hard for them to not consider it at this point.

Not to mention, he was to be the next patriarch of the Ji clan and not just any average member of their clan.