The Two Long Clan Ancestors Arrive

Having heard that the Ancestors of the Long clan were on their way, Patriarch Bing and others were surprised. 

Among those present, there were only a few that had actually seen the Ancestors of the Long clan. This number was limited to the two Long Clan Dao Treading realm elders and Patriarch Bing.

Even for Patriarch Bing, he had only met the two ancestors briefly and not directly. Having only heard their voice and not seeing their appearance. Shirong had not met the Long Clan ancestors before either. The highest expert he had met was the patriarch of the Long clan once before during a visit.

Everyone only knew that there were two ancestors, a pair of husband and wife. Both were in the Immortal Ascension realm and the strongest experts of the Long continent.

Other than them, the only other Immortal Ascension realm expert was in the Ji clan, Shirong's great grandfather.