A Secret Meeting

In the Tieba city, a rather tense atmosphere was present.

To the commoners of the city, this seemed like a hidden conflict, but to the higher ups it was different. Groups of cultivators from various parts of the city were currently gathering around a rather desolate looking building.

Hushed voices could be heard, as they conversed amongst themselves.

"Hey, is this really the building they called us to?" Someone questioned.

"The location matches the one mentioned in the notice." Another person checked.

"Still… isn't this rather suspicious?" the first person asked.

"What do you mean suspicious? This is Tieba city, if this is suspicion here then the entire city is suspicious." Someone joked.

"Also, what was this building even used for?"

"I inquired and apparently this used to be a slaughter house once. But now its just part of the slum."

"A slaughter house, huh… does seem appropriate for someone like that lord…"