Tian Guisha

Lin Wu had heard the name Ghost of Tian a long time ago and didn't expect to hear it now. The first time he had heard about it was from none other than the Slim Arm Ape king. 

The topic had rose out of the weapons Lin Wu had confiscated from Tian Han, one of the branch members of the Tian clan. More specifically, it was on a short sword that held the power of a Dao Shell realm cultivator within it.

'But according to the Slim Arm Ape King, the existence of Ghost Of Tian is very old… older than the Long Clan.' Lin Wu recalled. 'Does this mean he really is older than ten thousand years?' he wondered.

Normally the lifespan of an immortal Ascension was about six thousand years. But the old man had already lived longer than that. Even if he had used some rare pills or methods to extend his lifespan, reaching more than ten thousand years was already several times more than the limit.