A Salt Water Lake

Lin Wu looked around the lake with his Radiation perception turned to the max. 

But despite that, he was still unable to see the bottom of the lake.

"Strange…" Lin Wu muttered. 

At his cultivation base, his Radiation Perception was strong enough to pierce through kilometer of solid rock. But now, it was unable to see through the lake.

"How deep is the lake?" Lin Wu questioned the lord.

"We… don't know." Lord Geng Zilai answered. 

"You don't?" Lin Wu was surprised.

"We've excavated several chunks of the lake and have even built storage in it, but we still haven't hit the bottom. Even my senses can't go below a kilometer." Lord Geng Zilai answered.

"A Kilometer deep? That's a bit too much for a lake, isn't it?" Lin Wu said, thinking that this might not be a normal lake.