Chapter 5: Too Soon To Be Real

The wheels halt and my body jerks forward. The whistle blows, signalling the arrival.

I clung one of the bags on my shoulder and carry the other bag with one hand and move out of the train. As soon I step out of the train, warm wind greets me. My scarf's fluttering with the wind which is draped over my head, covering my hair and shoulders. I'm wearing a long simple gown with bell sleeves and underneath I'm wearing trousers and a pair of sandals that I recently bought before arriving in the city.

A woman passes by me and I blush looking at her, they don't cover their body much while in town I never saw women revealing their knees.

Before coming here I already knew about the fact but it's a different story when you witness it yourself. I avert my eyes when I notice I have been watching the woman for longer than necessary and it's creeping her out.

I arch my back, making myself feel at ease from the exhaustion of three hours ride. I take a deep breath and look around me, examining the place.

Finally, I made it to the city.

People are busy chatting, some are drinking coffee, some are reading the newspaper while standing in a corner while others are walking towards their destinations.

Someone pushes me from behind and I wobble with the stuff I'm carrying.

"Watch it girl!" an old man exclaims from behind and I notice I'm standing in front of the entrance of the train.

"Oh, I'm sorry." the man shakes his head and walks away.

How dull can I be?

I walk towards a corner where I put my things on the bench and stand there for a while, exercising a bit by arching my body.

This place sure is crowded, if the station is this crowded how much the other areas of the city would actually be?

I look up at the huge banner that hangs on a height in front of me which reads 'Jensin Station' above the banner is a huge clock and it's almost 12 o' clock in the afternoon. Aunt Anna told me in her letter that she would be arriving at the station at 12: 15 so I better hurry outside, I don't want her to wait for me. I pick up my stuff again from the bench and take a good view around me once again before I start to move...


This can't be?!

I mean, this is too soon to believe....

The same shiny brown hair aside the fact that they have grown long, the same blue eyes aside from the fact that they look lost, the same glowing cheeks aside the fact that the skin has turned a bit tan, the same loving boy aside from the fact that he has changed.

Could it be real? I didn't expect I would see him the first step I make to the city.

Pfftt... I'm delusional.

STOP idling you freak and grab the man to make yourself believe! My inner voice pokes me.

Oh right, crap!

I drop my things on the bench again and run towards his direction. He is here in front of me, I can see him, just a little closer and I could touch him, I could feel his skin, this is REAL. Yes, FREAKING REAL.

I stop running when I notice, he's not alone, he is with a bunch of guys around him. All of them look tough, well built and suited, they don't seem ordinary.

He is talking to one of the men when he starts shouting something at him and then he points his finger in different directions and some of the men with him disperse in that direction, leaving him with two people. I want to go to him, I want to reach him but I'm afraid.

What will happen if I show my face to him? Will he recognize me? It's been six years after all.

Get yourself moving you weird lady! This was the moment you waited for so long, didn't you? She poked me again and damn, she is right again.

I find him moving away with two people down the stairs which leads to the underground.

He's so fast, slow down you brat!

I move my legs in his direction but the crowds getting heavy. I hit two to three people while chasing after him but I keep moving while apologizing along my way.

He is getting far from me, AGAIN.

I see his back to me now, he is all suited in black along with the men with him and it's getting hard to identify whose who from behind. Struggling through the crowd, I make my way but suddenly someone came in front of me. I bump into them and fall on my back.

Ouch! it hurts but with the gush of adrenaline running through my veins, I feel numb again. I was about to stand when a strong hand came in front of my face but I stand on my own, apologizing to the person. I try to move past them but the person grips my hand and I turn back and look at the man.

"I'm really sorry, it was my fault." he apologizes with guilt.

"It's okay, I better go now." he doesn't leave my hand.

"No wait, I don't feel like you really forgave me."

"Look Mr. whoever you are I just saw an acquaintance of mine whom I lost six years ago and I'm trying to run after him and if you'll just excuse me, can I chase him back?" his mouth hangs open with no utter response but his grip on my hand loosens.

"I take that as a yes, goodbye." and I left him behind me, all baffled.

I run straight where he was a while ago but I don't find him anywhere near. There are small shops on the side and I try to search the crowd. I look to my left and find the black-suited man. I run towards him with all energy I had left in me.


My grip's tight on his shoulder and I'm panting heavily. He turns back and looks at me.

Wait, this is not him, where did he go?

I look around again but I can't find anyone other in black.

"Sorry? Can I help you?" The person asks with concern.

"Oh, No. I'm sorry. I thought you were someone. I knew." I say between my ragged breaths.

So I lost him again?

I was this close! this tiny bit close!

Ah! If only that person really had to run into me!

I slump down dejectedly to a bench near me and sigh.

I really want to wring my neck right now, can someone do that for me?

I look at the clock in front of me not as huge as I saw back up there and it's 12:30.

Oh, Almighty! Aunt Anna would be waiting up there!

I don't even remember where I left my luggage!

I barely put a step in the city and everything's turning into a disaster. I don't know how I'm going to manage here for long, now I understand why townies came home running back. It's not a place for us, certainly not.


The door clicks open and reveals a very unlike townhouse. The living room is very spacious, in the centre is a broad wooden table not as ordinary as we have back in our home, the table is carved with patterns. Beautiful long curtains hang on the window ceiling, beside the table lay two large comfortable sofa which adds more beauty to the room, the walls are the colour of beige with paintings hanging above.

The atmosphere here is totally different, even if the houses at our town were small and under constructed but you could still find the happiness, it was like the house itself could talk or express it's own different story, reach you but here, it's so silent and alone, a little depressing. Perhaps it's because no one lives here than aunt Anna herself.

Someone clears their throat behind me and I notice that I'm taking too long to admire things while standing at the doorway.

I should learn to stop blocking doorways, first thing.

"I'm sorry Aunt Anna, I made you wait for so long at the station," I say, looking down.

"Its fine dear, you're new here I understand, it happens," she says moving her hand in the air, dismissively.

I was so scared for my luggage but glad I found it back in the place where I left so it didn't take me long to find it.

"Let me show you, your room dear, you must be exhausted perhaps you can start working from tomorrow," she says while clasping her hands together. "Follow me, dear." I nod, politely.

It's all thanks to aunt Anna for doing so much for me. It was aunt Anna who confirmed my job even before I came here and luckily I can start working earlier than I expected. I couldn't have asked for more.

She walks over the staircase and I follow her. As we come up, I find two room's adjacent to each other. This house sure has many rooms, in our town every house has a maximum of three rooms to it. No floors either. The city is full of mystery and excitement.

She opens up the door to the corner room and angles her face to the side, telling me to head inside. I walk inside and meet rosy walls, a nice elegant bed in the centre, a dresser opposite to the bed and in front of me is a large glass door that leads to the small veranda, large curtain cascades from above the glass door, giving the room an overall exquisite touch.

Wow! Am I living here? Why didn't I come sooner?

Don't you start thinking if I'm a split personality?

...these are just small-town girl's few happy moments.

"Take your time, get fresh we will have lunch together. I'll give you a tour of your workplace and some other places too" she says and closes the door behind. I drop my stuff on the floor and launch towards the bed, I jump on it, enjoying the bounciness. It's so much fun to do such things even when I'm 23, it doesn't change the fact.

I take my time to examine the room then I empty my stuff from my bag and fix it into my now-to-be-closet. I head for the bathroom and shower. After I'm dressed, I look at my reflection in the mirror.

I've wavy brown hair which falls to my hips my skin is a caramel colour, I have chubby cheeks and a long straight nose. I braid my hair and smile to my reflection, my lips tinged pink.

I walk down the staircase and find my aunt in the kitchen, she feels my presence and turns around.

"Dear would you like to have lunch first or the tour?" she smiles at me.

"Tour? The sooner I know about the workplace the better." she nods, sweetly.

"Okay let's go, its two blocks away only."


I'm standing in front of a cafe 'The Summer Delights' outside the cafe are tables and chairs which are filled with people. I hesitate to go inside but aunt Anna more like drags me inside.

City people look scary.

"Hi, Anna! pleased to see you." a young lady at the reception greets us.

"Hey Sabrina, this is Sarah and Sarah this is Sabrina who would be guiding you along." she introduces us both.

"Pleased to meet you." I shake hands with her and she nods giving me her brightest smile.

"Welcome aboard Sarah."

"Thank you." I smile back at her.

While Sabrina and Aunt Anna is busy talking, I can't stop looking around. There are so many people here, how will I manage to work here? I've never seen these many people together in such a place.

Oh no!

What are they doing!


A couple is kissing in public. I've never seen such a thing. I put my hands and cover my face but I peek through my fingers to watch them again.

So it was all true about the city, after all.

This is hard, this is very hard, this seems impossible.

How will I cope in such an environment?

"I think I can't do this," I tell Aunt Anna, facing her. She excuses Sabrina and focuses on me.

"Why Sarah? The pay is good here," she whispers questions.

"No uh... It's not about the pay." I point over the scene and close my eyes "look at what is happening."

"Oh dear, you have to get used to it Sarah, it happens everywhere in the city all the time."

"All the time?" I ask with widened eyes.

"Yes, all the time," she says, suppressing a smile.

Oh boy, they really were right to turn back to the town.

We decided to have our lunch at the same cafe. After our lunch, Aunt Anna took me to some places nearby to make me aware of my surroundings so I won't get lost just in case. We went grocery shopping and aunt Anna is very good at the bargain, I was certainly impressed. Well, I didn't know even in the city people bargain for stuff, me being curiously asked aunt Anna and she told me not everywhere in the city the trick works.

We reached home at nearly 4 in the evening. We chatted a little when aunt Anna told me that she was very happy to have me and finally her home was filled by another member other than just herself. Later aunt Anna excused herself and went to do her pending office work while I was left alone.

I set lay in my bed thinking of the things that happened today when I got hit with his memories again.

I don't know when are we going to meet again or could it still be possible or not but I am going to try until I fail and stand again until I find him. I'll have to get familiar with the city first that is how I am going to reach you.

I am going to find out about the place you choose to live in.

Just thinking about him, I soon drifted to sleep.