Chapter 22: Curiosity Killed The Cat

"Two chocolate pretzels coming up!" I pass the customer their shakes and went to the window to the kitchen and stick the order note that I wrote.

"Sarah it's your break time. Derek will cover from here." Sabrina says, standing beside me. "And oh! Boss asked for the doughnut today, he rarely eats it. I think he is in a good mood. Something good might have happened." she winks at me and I walk past her, ignoring her comment, to the kitchen.

After I ate my lunch, I grab the freshly baked doughnuts and hot coffee and put them together on the tray and walk towards his room, carrying the tray in one hand. Without knocking, I walk inside and put the tray on his desk forcefully, causing him to jump out of his seat.

"So we are back to your usual self again?" he asks, bemusedly and I put my hands on my hips.

"You've got a problem with that?" I glower at him.

"What did I do now? Why are you getting all angry on me?" he asks, playing innocent.

"Don't think I'm going to let you win in this," I say, pointing a finger at him.

"What? Is it so rude to help a young lady when she is such a bad planner herself?"

"What if the lady doesn't want your help!"

"It doesn't matter. I'm still going to." He says, looking back into the files on his desks.

"But I can't let you and you need to stop asking me that!"

"Who said I'm asking? I'm telling you." He still not looks at me and shuffles through his files, I grunt in response.

"I think you still don't understand me. I can't team up with you because it is pretty dangerous out there!" I huff loudly. "What part of that do you not understand?" He peeks through his files and sighs lightly, he clasps his hands together in front of his desk and looks at me with a calm expression.

"And what part of my conversation did you not get? I'm not letting you do something stupid on your own again and you need to trust me on that." His eyes unwavering and I scoff at him. "Have you ever given me a chance to speak since last night? All you are doing is throwing a tantrum."

"Give you a chance to speak about your plan and thoughts and involve you in danger? Sorry but I'm throwing this tantrum all because I am concerned about you." He stands up from his seat and moves closer to me and I eye him while he moves.

"How many times do I say you don't need to worry about the risk."

"Oh! You know nothing about what I've seen when people involved in this-"

"Have you given me a chance to speak?" He glares at me and I shut my mouth immediately.

"You don't know how much I have sacrificed and done to reach this place. You don't know a single bit of how this market functions. You gain something after you lose something... And you don't care what others loose when you gain. Sarah, I run a food chain. You take me for nothing but I have my sources and I bet I can help you with that" His eyes focused on me and his voice feels very businesslike. When I say nothing he continues. "Do you really think running a food chain in a competitive market is that easy? Let me tell you a little about the inside world." His voice slows down. "To get something you have to give away something this is how everything works and in my case, you don't know how much I have sacrificed just to stay among the top." He backs away slowly and then turns and sits back on his chair. "And when I said I can help you then you should trust me." His eyes avert back to his files sprawled on the desk, leaving me silent on my toes. I was a little hesitant to say anything or even move when he finished.

"You may leave now." He dismissed me without even looking at me and slowly and hesitantly I walk out of his room. I release a breath when I come out.

Wow, that was a first.

His voice never felt this serious and his words were sharper.

During the remaining hours of my shift, his conversation kept rolling in my head.

What did he do to be where he is? How did his sources work? Hell, I don't even know what he meant by it. I don't even know how many franchises is he even running. Did he have more than one? Because I never heard him telling me neither I heard it from anyone else. I don't even know anything about the place I work for and here I was still wondering about who my boss actually is.

If he had other franchises he might have gone visiting them but I never saw him leaving the cafe... Well, he might have and I could've not noticed that but what I concluded was I knew nothing, I'm a complete fool for being so oblivious about my surroundings. I was so focused on my family and him before. I need to acknowledge about my surroundings otherwise it will all let me down all at once and I wouldn't even know.

I finish my work and head inside the changing room. I change into my casual and put my work clothes back in my locker, I grab my bag from my locker, shutting it behind and leave to head outside. Before I could leave I saw Samuel talking to two men in suits in the VIP section separated by a glass door which is basically opened for the events and other occasions.

They were sitting in a closed booth and I see Samuel, talking and explaining something to them through hand gestures suddenly curiosity got the best of me.

I leave my bag in the back room and motioned towards his office and found his door locked. I take a quick view around and find no one, grabbing that opportunity, I knelt down the floor and started searching the plant pots placed at each side of the door for any clue of the keys. I pick up the doormat and there was nothing underneath it. I looked around again to make sure if anyone was in view but the coast was clear. I took out a pin from my braided hair and started to work my way through the lock. My focus was diverted between the lock and kitchen door which was near. I was worried to death because anyone could come out anytime and if I get caught I will not just get fired but it will also cause bad rumors to spread among the staff about me and I didn't want that. I didn't want anyone to think bad of me before I leave.

Suddenly I heard a click and the door opened. I hurriedly went inside, closing the door behind slowly. I motioned towards his desk and plopped down, aiming for the drawers and cupboard but they were locked too.

Damn it!

I tried opening it with my hair pin but it was useless.

What do I do now? I can't back away after coming this far.

I look around his office desk and I notice too many plant pots placed around. An idea popped inside my head that the key might be hidden somewhere here and I started searching all of them but it just depressed me.

From the other side of the office door, I hear footsteps approaching. My heart started thumping aggressively all of a sudden. I ducked inside the small open area between his desk.

How stupid I can be, thinking I could find the key somewhere in the room when it could be anywhere in the world right now except for here. I always lead myself into the most deadly situations.

Great Sarah. Just great.

"Funny, I don't remember leaving the door unlocked behind." I hear him say as the door opens, his footsteps near the desk and my heart, ready to burst out of my chest any second, I feel wetness on my palm. "Where did I put it?" I cover my mouth with my hand to prevent any noise. Suddenly my eyes fall on the file dropped on the ground, not inches away from me and I prevented a gasp that was about to uproar.

I might have dropped it from the desk in search for the key

He is probably looking for this file! If he finds it, I'm so dead.

Someone said it right; curiosity does kill the cat.