Chapter 27: Helplessly Foolish

I click the door shut behind me slowly.

"Where were you this whole time?" I hear my aunt say as I turn back to the voice. It was all dark in the living room, my eyes adjusting to the darkness and slowly I found her sitting on the chair, not looking at me but at her hands on her lap.

"Nancy... My friend at the job, I told you about the other day? She does double jobs and she had something coming up so she asked me to cover for her shift and told me that she'd pay me for it." I answer her, confidently looking straight at her and she meets my eye. "Also, I had dinner on my way home."

It came all out on its own, even I was amazed at my marvelous lie.

She slowly stands up and walks near to me. Her hands reach my cheeks. Her hands warmer than ever

I miss my maa.

"Oh dear, Sarah I was so worried about you. I told you not to overdo yourself." She presses her hands to my cheeks, her eyes filled with worry. "I called Samuel to make sure-"

"What?! You called him?!" My voice suddenly came out loud. "I mean you didn't have to, I would have been back home."

"I was worried, Sarah. You never came this late. If you were going to be this late, you should have called me from his office." I sigh and rubbed my face with my hands.

"What did boss say?" I asked her as calmly as I could.

"That you were at the cafe and helping him with something necessary so you'll be late." She instantly replied.

"And when did you call?"

"Around six, I guess. Why?"

He knew it...

He knew all this time that I was there. Hiding at the office. He knew I was wandering through his files. He must know...

Why did he not accuse me?

"Are you okay child?" I look at my aunt, her eyes searching my face with worrisome on her face. "You look so pale."

"I am fine, I'm sorry aunt Anna... I'll be careful now, you can sleep now." I smile, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly but she doesn't look convinced but eventually gives up and smiles slightly at me.

"You too, take good care of yourself. Now go to sleep." She gives me a final nod and walks to her room while I stay there watching her fading figure.

I come in my room and quickly change into my nightgown then lay on my bed with my face towards the ceiling. My eyes wide open and there wasn't any sign for sleep.

I sure don't know how things work in the outside world but I'm not going to be fooled around here anymore. I have to stay vigilant.

I don't know how he came to know that I was there. I sure have left some clue.

I thought over it when I finally figured out the mere possibility.

Oh right! Damn it!

I left my bag in the back room before I was leaving and he must have seen that.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I'm helplessly foolish!

I can't accept his help. I can't do this. It's pretty dangerous out there. It's pretty dangerous everywhere!

Once you let down your guard you are a goner. No matter how much approach he has to the outside world, I can't accept it. Not now. Not anymore. Not ever.

I have to leave everything to my faith. Whatever my faith brings me, I'll take it. I'm not going to hurt anyone with me in this again.

If he is my destiny then he'll be the one. And only. Him.

But for now, I have to forfeit this journey.