Chapter 37: The Interview

On my first day of training, I learned how to fire a gun. It wasn't easy at all with Samuel teaching me and at the same time not trying to accidentally touch me and it wasn't like it didn't happen.

Yes, he did touch so that he could teach me the control, handling and aiming part. I noticed that most of the time he was worried if he was hurting me with the strong grip of his hands over my hands which were holding the gun, aimed towards the target.

He kept looking between me and the target so I told him it was okay and he just needs to finish this thing sooner as possible.

Sometimes I wonder why a person like him worries about me at this point. He should just concentrate on me doing the job right for him. He wanted someone to do the job for him and now he has that person so why go around and look out for them?

Whereas I... Well, I'm going to look out for the one I came here for.

My first shot wasn't that bad although it wasn't on the target yet Samuel approved it for being a beginner. With his help I hit my 3rd shot inside the sixth circle of the target. Samuel appreciated me and told me to keep practicing. For another three hours, we spent shooting targets, wearing goggles and earplugs. We had lunch together and then we talked for a while.

I got to know that he wasn't just the one who was going to train me. I was going to meet some other people as well who'd teach me other things. There were a whole lot of things that I had to learn before I qualify for the job.

And many people had a lot of expectations from me. So I had to prove that I was going to make it and I was the right choice for it.

I told Samuel that I was worried about my aunt and she can't expect me to be late home every day but he consoled me that he had already taken care of it for me. He told her that there was a good opportunity for me, a job he wanted me to do which would earn me good money and also that he'd train me for the job. He told her everything already that I was supposed to tell her, it was like a burden went off my shoulders. Aunt trusted Samuel with a blind eye. She was happy to hear it and I was happy that Samuel did it himself. Now I had to just inform at my home, it'll be tough but I know they are going to understand it with the help of my aunt and I'll make sure they do.

The next day of my training I met a lady, Melisa. She was the same woman who was found to be with Samuel the day when I searched his files in his office. She was Samuel's assistant who keeps him up with every detail.

She was supposed to teach me all the skills and qualities required for an assistant, all business ethics which even includes eating, sitting, greeting and other habits.

I asked her that why was I chosen for this job there could be anyone even better than me for this job whereas I know nothing about it but she didn't respond to me. Later she just said that it had to be me.

It slowly became a routine, I would wake up in the morning and go for running which was also part of my training, I had to be physically fit and strong. Later Samuel would pick me up and we'd go to the warehouse, a completely hidden place from the other souls.

There we would practice over my shooting skills, fighting and dodging skills, my educational capabilities were tested on a daily basis. I was taught some business tricks and tactics, I was engaged in different activities such as group discussions, presentations, and whatnot. It was like learning everything about life in a day. The pressure was great but it was like I was becoming another person slowly and gradually.

More confident, more vigilant and more convincing.

I liked this part of myself better. Suddenly everything was becoming fun.

Samuel told me that he already knew I was smart even before when my IQ test was taken and when I asked him how he would know that, he simply smiled and said that my comebacks are too vivaciously cocky at times, leaving a man clueless and helpless. I remained silent not knowing how this has any connection with me being smart?

Days passed with my training and I became more impatient as my training neared to an end. Samuel told me that the day when my training ends it's the day after when I had to get to work.

I was meeting the damn CEO of The Shippers. I had to stay confident and strong.

What was most important he told me was that I had to be 'me' to impress him. That didn't seem convincing to me when he said it but oh well...

It didn't take long for the day to come soon when it was finally my time to come into action.


"Did you sleep well?" Samuel asks me, his eyes searching mine.

"Yup!" I say, popping out the 'p'.

"You sure?"

"Yup!" He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"You are going to do it, I believe you. Just be yourself and I know your blunt replies will win him over." I roll my eyes at him.

"Thanks. This helps a lot." I answer, sarcastically.

"God! It's like my exam today!" He says, exasperatedly.

"What if I don't clear?" I say, avoiding his gaze. I know it's going to make him angry. He's already been denying that possibility though.

"We've worked hard on you that's not going to happen." He moves closer to me and I still avoid his stare somehow. "Look at me, Sarah." I look at him and he just looks into my eyes for few more seconds without any words.

"If you think you can do it then no one can stop you from not having it. Consider yourself a failure then you are a failure." I just nod at his words. Somehow they encourage me to the core and I felt like facing this challenge.

I'm going to do it, for myself and him. I'm going to find him and this is the only way left. I'm going to get you brat.

Yes, I will.

"Hey." His face moved closer to me. "I'd never use you for the wrong cause, remember this." His voice low. His hand moving closer to my face and I couldn't look him in the eye. My eyes move towards his hand which was reaching me slowly and steadily.


I flinch away and he does the same.

The car halts in front of me. "It's time miss." The driver calls out for me and I bid my goodbye to Samuel after settling inside the car. I take a last look of Samuel who was also looking at me, his hands in his pants pocket, his hairs messed up from running hands over and over again.

I let out a sigh when the car starts moving forward and after fifteen minutes of the ride, I finally reach my destination.

The shippers.

As I enter the lobby, I hear loud footsteps clattering against the tiled floor, a great amount of moving feet. People were busy passing their way, holding files and papers, some chatting, some holding briefcases, others didn't care where they walk who were actually too busy looking at their stuff while they walk.

"Miss Sarah?" A woman's hesitant voice called from beside me who wore a power suit. Her hands clasped together in front, a weird smile tugged on her lips while she observes me.

"Yes," I answer, removing my sunglasses and she nods at me.

"Follow me please," she says and walks ahead with her high heels clicking against the floor. I could hear the sound of her heals even in this buzz.

My heart races with every moving step.

I followed her to the elevator, passing through several floors until we reach the topmost floor. As we enter the floor, I found no one particularly except the receptionist at this floor. It was the complete opposite of the ground floor. My heart beat inches a notch high and I try to calm my nerves with deep breaths.

Hold yourself. If you consider yourself a failure you are a failure.

I'm not a failure.

I'm not a failure.

I repeat this mantra in my heart until we stop at a waiting area.

"Miss Sarah. I would like you to wait here until you are called in." Her weird smile constant on her lips and I nod at her.

As minute's pass, I wait there shuffling through the magazines until the call.

My mind starts reviewing everything I have done during these past days. I start thinking about the things I have encountered so far. The mistakes I have done, the possible things I should do in certain situations, everything and then...

'Remember, I wouldn't use you for the wrong cause.'

'Everyone is expecting from you.'

'It had to be you.'

'I believe you.'

"Miss Sarah?" I look up at the same smile that I had witnessed a few minutes ago. "Please follow me."

I stand up and follow the woman before I make sure the collar of my blazer is fixed. I stop at a door while she knocks the door to the room and opens it after a few seconds.

"Please go in Miss Sarah. Sir Patrick awaits you." I go inside and she shuts the door after me.

A large desk sets in front of a large window which covered almost the whole wall, sunlight brightening the room with its rays, behind it a chair was rolled backward. I couldn't see the person who was gazing outside the window-wall. I move forward until I reach the desk and clear my throat.

The chair rolls back slowly but still not enough for me to see the persons face. I wait until the person faces me.

The chair rolls in front and before I could see his face, the shifting of the guy made a ray of sunlight strike my face and I could only see the brightened image. I squint my eyes and hide my face with my hand from the scorching ray.

"Oh! I'm sorry miss Sarah." The person gets up and pulls the curtain against the window. The person's back facing me again.

Have I heard this voice before?

"It's fine," I answer him.

The person turns back and faces me with an apologetic smile

This person...

Nah! I haven't seen or heard him before.

"Have a seat please Miss Sarah." I pull out the chair and set myself on it. CEO, Mr. Patrick takes the chair opposite of me.

Samuel gave me the information about him according to which he was aged 50 but he seemed younger.

"Did you had any problem reaching here?" He asks.

"None that I encountered," I reply.

"Good so let's begin. Shall we?" He claps his hands together.

"Let's begin." I nod in approval.

"So Miss Sarah tell me about yourself?"

"I presume you received my CV and must have gone through it. I'll tell you something that's not on it... Well, I like chocolates and less spicy food." He scoffs at me and shakes his head.

"Why do you think you qualify for this job? Not that I question Garrison's choice, a very surprising man though." He chuckles lightly.

"Let's be honest here. You want someone who has worked for the 'MOVERS' before. I have 3 years experience with them... And I want someone who'd give me a good price to share their secrets, isn't it a nice trade-off?" I say, getting to the point.

"That was quite straight." His eyes shift from amused to serious.

"Business is all about money Mr. Patrick. You waste your time, you waste your money." I say, meeting his eyes and he smirks at me.

"True that" he nods at me. His hand moves towards the paper on the desk, he eyes it and then looks at me

"I had a background check on you." My body flinches a bit but not enough for him to notice. "You have a tough life...." My mind searching for an answer.

What was he talking about? I thought Samuel made sure that my background was covered and that he had no clue about my family.

"....Having no one around you must be hard." I look at him as he finishes his sentence.

"Not at all. It's easy when you've got no one to worry about." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"What happened to your family?" He asks. His eyes boring into mine.

"We went to the beach for a family picnic on our way back home our car got into an accident... And it was just me who survived the accident." My heart clenches as I lie about my family.

It's best for my family.

I'm doing it for them.

"I'm sorry-"

"You shouldn't be when you asked for it." I hold my hand in the air to stop him.

"I know, your lying."

My heart rate suddenly drops.

"What?" I try to say as calmly as it could be possible, not giving him a trace of any doubt while his eyes search mine.

"You're lying." He emphasizes his words. I feel my blood slowly draining out of my nerves. I could feel the sweat forming on my hands.

I hesitate a bit before I say. "I'm sorry?" My posture calm and cool but inside I was having a thunderstorm.

He chuckles at me, his skin crinkling at the edges of his eyes.

What the hell?

"You still have your aunt. You're not alone." He says with an amused expression.


Samuel didn't hide about my aunt? Shoot!

Samuel told me that he'd put me in a separate apartment of my own after the interview. He needed me to live alone on my own which meant I had no connection with anyone.

No relatives. No family. No nothing.

Damn it!

I wrap up my thoughts and try to calm myself with a deep breath.

"Mr. Patrick I do not remember stating that I was alone?" I smile back at him. "Of course, I live around people and lots of them but there is a difference in who you care for."

"You mean... you don't care about your aunt?" He asks as his brow quirked up.

"That maybe exact," I say, nodding at his words.


"She wants me to live her way and I can't do whatever she says and that's why I'm moving out in a few days," I say as he observes me, more specifically my outfit.

I'm wearing a zebra-striped maxi with a white blazer on. My long hair braided together in a bun. A scarf draped across my head which ended across my neck.

He eyes me up and down for the first time after I entered the room and then his attention focuses back on my face.

"If you want this job, I want you to get rid of this funky dress, put on formals and the scarf should go." He says, moving his finger in the air in my direction. I scoff at him.

"I like your suggestion but I'll keep my style," I reply him.

"Is it more important for you than this job?" He eyes me, curiously.

"No, but a career without being myself... Isn't important." I say, smiling at him.

"Quite an attitude you have there," he says, cocking his head a little.

"Just for an instance Mr. Patrick... Suppose If I ask you to pretend like a chauffeur for a day for me for which I'll give you a very good amount would you agree to it?" His face turns serious and he purses his lips in a thin line. I move closer to the desk and look him in the eye.

I could feel the rage forming in his eyes. The hurt I've caused to his ego was obvious.

"This is exactly how I feel when my aunt tells me to do her way," I say, giving him a final smile and move back to my seat. He blinks his eyes quite a few times.

"It was nice meeting you, Sarah." He says as he shifts his eye back to the papers sprawled in front of him on the desk.

And this was my cue to leave.

Dang! Maybe I overdid it.

I think he's pissed at me.

Way to go Sarah!

Well, I needed to make sure that I hate my aunt. I didn't want anyone to seem close to me. If in any case they could get in danger and that would be because of me.

I heave a sigh as I stand up and move towards the door to leave.

"You're the first person I've encountered with such an attitude. No wonder Garrison made a good choice." I turn back and saw him smiling at me.

I guess it's his way of appreciating me?

I nod at him and turn back to walk out the door.