From Me To You

(Flash Back)

I look at D and he was looking at me back with an agape mouth and widened eyes while Maria shook her head at me in a way to not get noticed. 


"Girl's are shy in these cases maybe she has always seen him as her bro-" 


"I agree to the marriage proposal!" I interject immediately before my daddy gets to complete his sentence. 


A stifled laugh comes out of Maria while this time mama elbows me in the stomach, not too harshly and dad gives me a perplexed look. 


"Oh my sweetheart, come here!" Mrs. Adam sounded excited while getting up from her seat and I was hesitant but I get up and she hugs me almost in a choking grip. I coughed and look at D and he had an amused smile plastered on his face. 


'Too impatient, are we?' He mouthed and I stick my tongue out at him. 


"It's finally time!" She takes out a box from her purse and looks at my parents for approval.