Almost K-Worded Sam Today

My eyes shot open and I jolt up straight. 


Where am I? 


I squint my eyes as the bright rays blurred my vision. 




Daniel! where is he... 


"How are you feeling Sarah?" The nurse spreads my eye open with her fingers and flashes light into it. I remove her hand immediately and get up from the soft bed. 


"I'm okay, where am I?" I ask while rubbing my temples and felt a pull on my right hand which had an IV attached. 


"With all respect, I ask you to please lay down first." She forces me to sit down back on the bed. 


"You are at Sanzua National Hospital. You got dizzy and fell on the floor and had a slight concussion, there's nothing to worry about now." The nurse checks my IV bag before she trudges in my opposite direction and busies herself into a file. 


So I missed him again?