Are You Married

Mama picks up a stole and Samuel's startled face uncovers but at the same time Mama turns her face to me. 


Sheesh! That was close. 


"Na uh. I won't let you touch a thing honey." Samuel immediately covers his face with the stole on his shoulder and becomes still again. 


I eye Maria and mouth her words to do something and in return, she rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulders. Eventually, mama turns back to work her way with the stoles. 


She picks another stole which reveals Samuel's rear. 


"Yikes!" Maria yelps, looking at it and mama looks at her with a surprised expression. Meanwhile, I cover his rear with the stoles already on him. 


"Mama you're making me look bad in front of her." Maria gains her attention and I silently hiss her the words to do something again to which she just nods with her lips pursed in a thin line.