No Way Of Returning

The two-deckhand grabbed me by the arm and there wasn't any crew member taking notice of the scene playing in front of them. It was as if I wasn't present there. 


"Leave me! I can walk on my own!" I try to yank my arm away but their grip was tight enough to not let me go easily. The captain nods his head to the two men grabbing me and they let me go. 


"It will be easier for you and us if you could walk on your own." He deadpans while he leads the way. 


All the while I walked, my eyes were only searching for one person but I didn't let them feel that I was looking for someone. 


As soon we reached the ladder leading us down the hull and towards the boat waiting down in the sea, I was becoming restless. 


"Boys?" The captain says in an enquiring way and a deckhand with a rope attached on his waist which I didn't notice earlier, came forward and started to tie my hands behind my back.