Who Are You, William?

"Here?" William asks, groping my shoulder blades.

"Yes..." I mumbled.

"It is the first time that you acted like not my wife but the wife of a mafia boss."

"Yes? So which one was better?"

"I like the attitude of mafia lord's wife."

"Really?" I slumped behind and leaned on his chest as I look at his sweat-glistened face, my head was under his neck. "I can get very stubborn with such attitude," I whispered against his sweaty skin.

"I don't mind that sometimes." He leaned closer to my lips.

"What would happen if I close the remaining distance between our skins?" I spoke, looking at his parted mouth that breathed on mine.

"We'll get hotter in the already hot weather?" He suggests with a hint of a small smile.

"It sounds fun to me."