Force Myself To Be Happy

"I'm not going to give you a good beating and act proud," I whispered so only she could hear. "Then there will be no difference between you and me." Her lips quivered as another tear trickles down her eye. "I know it's a matter of your career, maybe someone back in your home is depending upon your earning but  this lesson is only for you to learn before treating someone ill or feeling disgusted by them, put your pride aside and consider yourself in their shoe." She nods her head like an obedient child, I pat her cheek and turn her around. "It's okay, I forgive her." 


I turn to look at my fake husband who was looking back at me but... was there a hint of a smile on his face? Nah! It just twitched. "I think my husband and I are going to stay here for our honeymoon." 


The manager's tensed features suddenly relaxed and shoulders sagged down upon hearing my words. He heaves a sigh before a smile plastered back on his face.