Same Person With Different Look

"Let's head back and have dinner," William says after closing the door to the freezer room.

"What about these fish boxes?" I questioned.

"It will be taken care of during the middle of the night. The fishes will be sold in the market and the arms will be stocked aside to be sent through camels back to Angola."

"What if the rebels get their hands on the arms?"

"That is a possibility but my most trained and trusted men would be carrying them along so there is a lesser chance for that possibility to occur." I make an 'O' shape with my mouth. He starts to walk ahead and I follow him behind until we were out of the vessel.

We head back to the town as stealthily as we had come from while maintaining our distances but this time I was much observant of the people lurking in the shadows around. But to my disappointment, I did find the very shadow of the person I had confronted a few hours ago.