Prayer to Almighty

"Thank God you are fine! God forbid, I couldn't fathom the thought if something might have happened to you. I would have blamed myself for not taking you to the hospital at the right time. I already couldn't save you from those bastards and yet-" 

"Samuel! Where is William?" I cut him off as panic was building inside of me. 

"Don't worry. He will not be here anytime soon." Samuel deadpans. 

"Why? Where is he? And how are you here?" I enquire. 

"Slow down Sarah with your questions, just rest for a while." He gives me a half-smirk but I wasn't in the mood right now. 

"Answer me, Samuel! How are you here?" I yell and he finally straightens his posture and becomes serious again. 

"William called me to check up on you." 

"Why? Where has he gone too?" 

"He... Uh..." He scratches the back of his head and looks around but nowhere in particular. "He is currently unconscious."