Mafia Boss

"Alright! I know. I know, I'm sorry. Okay?" Samuel pinches his ear lobes in apology with a hint of a smile on his face. "But what would you have done if you had found a person whom you trained and trusted for a certain purpose but suddenly got to know that they were betraying you?" 

"Yeah? Well, now I'm mad at you. You could've at least been a little nicer concerning my health here." He laughs lightly. 

"I understand, you feel betrayed by a friend too." 

"Friend? Were you even one?" I look at him, accusingly. Samuel heaves a sigh and moves to stand closer to my bed. 

"Alright, how about I trade a secret with you?" 

"Are you trying to buy me something cheap?" He gives another hearty laughter. 

"I bet it's not something cheap." He says, tilting his head. 

"What is it?" I quirk up a suggestive eyebrow. 

"Well..." He looks around before leaning closer to my ear. "That is..." 

"Say it already!" I hissed.