A Strange Call

I turn to the sound of voices and saw the whole staff standing in a corner. Manager Yolando has apparently also joined them and in front of them stood the mighty, arrogant, and stone-cold-hearted William with a flower bouquet. Above them, a large banner hung that said 'Happy Birthday!' 

My eyes shot wide as realization dawns upon me. It was really my birthday today and I had forgotten about it. I was always excited for my birthday before, not that I received many gifts on it but daddy always made sure to take the whole family around with the Adam's for a small trip. It had become a tradition on my birthday. 

"Happy birthday to you!" Everyone started to sing in synchronization while William stood there giving me a smile that felt warm and raced my heart. 

"Happy birthday to you!" 

"Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!" 

"May you have many more! May you have many more...."