Cruel Tyranny

But among all these exchanges of information, there was a slight risk of being found out and that could be deadly but Adam's death wasn't destined on the said risk but by the hands of a human devil. 

"Mister Adam." A woman called from behind him. He turned to find that it was Meriam. 

She has been enslaved by the mafia for a year now and was forced to work in the field of cannabis for six months then she was brought up to the diamond mine. She was kidnapped from South Africa and brought up here in Angola. For a month she remained under confinement where she received brutal torture. Her skin was tattered and bloodied from whips she received daily when Adam met her for the first time. Since then he had sympathized with her and considered her as her own daughter. 

She was only sixteen and had only a grandmother who took care of her who was now also left alone after the mafia kidnapped her.