Deceiving Nation

"I went to Sanzua and Steve helped me with everything. From my studies to my living expenses. Since I rejected Mason's offer Steve had another plan for me. I met Samuel and Mister Garrison. We are a team since that time." William continued. 

"Garrison? The CEO of SILLA? Didn't he betray Mister Adam in the end?" I voiced feeling confused. Suddenly the door opened and a figure appeared at the threshold. Every eye turned towards the man. 

I have seen him somewhere before. My mind wonders but I can't seem to remember where... 

"Mister Garrison," William calls his name and he nods moving inside the room while shutting it behind. 

Of course! I remember now. I saw his picture in the newspaper. He seemed that aloof guy who plotted to kill Mister Adam! 

"Dad!" Samuel rushes towards the man. 

Dad? That person is Samuel's father?! 

He is the son of SILLA Corporation's CEO?