Another Timely Intervention

"Why were we the ones to stay back? The Captain is too cruel." A young Knight with an innocent face complained loudly.

His brown hair was cut low, adding to his "naive soldier" look. In fact "naive soldier" was the actual truth. This barely eighteen, baby-faced youth was untested in real combat, and was eager to prove himself. Unfortunately, when the Knight squad arrived in the village he threw up in front of Captain Avery. Now he was stuck monitoring the Village's front gate.

"Franklin, my young friend, you wouldn't be here if you didn't puke in front of the Captain." An older Knight said with mockery, causing Franklin to feel embarrassed.

"I couldn't help it Justin, you saw the bodies. Something like that is just too much." Franklin began feeling sick again, but luckily he didn't throw up.

"Yeah, that kid was probably younger than you and even still…He killed them just like that." Justin, said seriously.

He recalled the scene of Ira using his arm to stop a blade, letting himself get stabbed in the process. Not many people possessed the ability to take an injury head on without hesitation. It wasn't about cowardice, it was a basic primal instinct to avoid danger and bodily harm.

"Hey, I talked to the villagers and they said some interesting things." Franklin said, wanting to change the subject.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Justin, noticed Franklin's intentions on changing the subject and asked curiously.

"They said that guy was capable of moving around in the blink of an eye, like spatial magic."

"What like spatial magic? It's no shortage of mages who can use spatial magic in the capital?" Justin said skeptically.

"That's what I thought, but they say he didn't even chant, so it couldn't be spatial magic, also the casting times and Mana consumption for short-range spatial movements are horrendous. That's why most mages never use it, yet this kid used it with no effort and then fought 200 bandits after." Franklin replied.

"If that's true then…" Justin said, as he started contemplating.

"The strangest thing is, some villagers think this kid is from the black forest."Franklin spoke again.

"What?" Justin was shocked at the thought. The Kingdom had staged multiple expeditions to enter the Black Forest, but those who tried to enter never came back. The Kingdom had long since deemed it a dangerous area and encouraged the Villagers to move a few years ago, but seeing as the Black Forest didn't affect them too much they stayed.

"Yeah, yeah, they say around twenty or so years ago a strange couple brought a young kid into town, but something happened to him and they moved into the forest." Franklin nodded.

"What year is it Franklin?" Justin asked while holding his chin.

"Uh, one hundred and twenty-six, first era. Why?" Franklin responded casually.

"And how many years ago did the 'Black Pillar' emerge?"

"Uh twelve?"

"And how old did that kid look?" Justin asked with a rigged expression.

"I'd say fifteen or sixteen." Franklin said without much thought.

"You don't see what's wrong with this?" Justin asked him in a serious tone.

"W,what's wrong?" Franklin replied as he heard Justin's tone change.

"You're an idiot! That's what's wrong." Justin said with a satisfied laugh.

"How?!" Franklin responded while feeling wronged.

"Do the math you dolt! If a couple brought that kid around twenty years ago, he would be older than you!"

"I…" Franklin paused, feeling ashamed. First he embarrassed himself by puking in front of the Captain and now he made himself look stupid in front of a Senior Knight. Luckily, Justin was one of the less serious ones.

"Wait!" Franklin yelled as he attempted to redeem himself.

" Think before you speak, Frankie." Justin said with an amused smile.

"They say the direction he came from is the same direction the couple was spotted, so it's possible he's related to them in some. Their names were…Fallmeer, wait no, Fallmore, wait wait-"

"Fallmire. George and Emily Fallmire." Franklin's nervous stammering was interrupted by Elder Davis who suddenly appeared next to the gate.

"Yeah that's it! Thank you, Elder Davis." Franklin smiled with relief.

"You know where that kid came from, Elder Davis?"

"I can't be sure, but I've never seen anyone who resembles him around here. I'm not one to read too much into something, but when a kid with black hair came appears near the Black Forest, it just seems...odd." Elder Davis said, looking as if he was trying to recall something.

"Did you tell the Captain about this?" Justin asked..

"No, forgive me but I was too busy mourning to do something like that." Elder Davis said with a pitiful tone.

"S-sorry, Elder Davis."Justin apologized awkwardly as he recalled Elder Davis had lost his Grandson.

"We should send someone to tell the Captain, the sooner she knows the better.�� Franklin spoke up.

"You're right Frankie, but we can't ignore orders." Justin said as he stared down the road leading to the village.


"Captain Avery, about that Ira kid, the men feel as though he is too dangerous to let walk around, at the very least he should be kept under watch."Robert said as soon as Captain Avery returned to the resting spot.

"Robert. You wouldn't be questioning my decisions would you?"Captain Avery asked coldly..

"Not at all, Captain." Robert replied hastily, before continuing, "It's just that the men feel he is a risk to the safety of everyone."

"Whether he is a risk or not, I'll be the one to decide, because that is my job. If I say he is not a risk and to carry on, you will listen, because that is your job. Tell the men prepare to move." Captain Avery spoke with a hint of annoyance. If it wasn't for her family's "circumstances".she wouldn't have even entered the Military. The plot that was building against illustrated a clear lack of discipline and loyalty.

"Yes, Captain." Robert saluted with a bitter expression before leaving..

"Seems they'll have to adjust their plans now." Captain Avery mumbled to herself as she began contemplating.

The Knight squad and the villagers they were escorting started moving again. The plan was to make it as close to the next town as soon as possible, buy equipment for carriages and enough rations, and use the next major city's teleportation array to get to the capital.

After another few hours of walking, Captain Avery decided to make camp. With another one or so, they would reach a small town and have a proper rest. Many of the village kids brought makeshift sleeping bags and small tents. The Knight squad used their standard issued tents. The only one without proper bedding was Ira, who decided to rest on a tree branch, a dozen above the ground.

Amy noticed his predicament and timidly approached him, "Y-you can share a tent with me if you want."

Ira opened his eyes lazily with a small grin on his face looking at Amy. "We've only met a few days ago and you already wanna take me to bed?"

Due to the knowledge he received, Ira knew of relations between a man and a woman, but that did not mean he was particularly interested. He only spoke of it because he knew it would get a reaction out of Amy.

"I meant we could take turns sleeping in the tent!" Amy shouted while blushing..

"Don't worry, Spear Girl. I doubt anyone will be getting much sleep tonight." Ira smiled.

"What's happening tonight?" Amy's green eyes filled with a slight worry. For some reason, Ira's words made her feel troubled.

"Ah, I don't wanna ruin the surprise, just keep your spear close." Ira said, before hopping down from the tree.

"And try not to get too careless, ok? Spear girl." Ira said with a chuckle as he walked toward Captain Avery's tent.

"And my name is Amy!" Amy angrily shouted at him.


"Captain!" A mockingly staunch voice shouted from outside the large tent.

"Knighthood wouldn't suit you at all." Captain Avery responded plainly, as she wiped her saber.

"Then you would you recommend a career path?" Ira walked in with a grin.

"Mercenary work."

"Oh? Feel free to recommend me when we get to the capital." Ira yawned before finding an empty spot to sit in.

"I also should warn you, if– no, when we get attacked, you should expect poison." Captain Avery said seriously as she looked at Ira.

"...Poison."Ira's expression briefly changed at the mention of poison.

Of course, the change didn't escape the notice of Captain Avery. "Will poison be a problem for you?"

"Shouldn't be...It just reminded me of something I prefer not to remember." Ira said as his smile faded and was replaced by an empty expression. Memories from the day he died appeared in his head as he attempted to repress them.

"I see." Captain Avery clearly noticed something wrong, but decided not to pursue as it wasn't her place to ask and Ira didn't seem to want to give any personal information. Though she did feel a sense of familiarity as she looked at the expression on Ira's face.

The two people became silent and the only thing that could be heard in the tent was the sound of Avery wiping her Saber, a sound that Ira found strangely calming. If it was anyone else, they may have considered the silence awkward, but neither of them felt uncomfortable or put off by it. Avery seemed to lack many emotions and Ira seemed to be unable to demonstrate more than a few. Those qualities made it possible for the two could sit in silence without seeing anything wrong with the situation.

After a few minutes, Ira managed to completely push down the memories and stood up.

"Wanna see who can kill more?" He asked cheerfully as his "normal" behavior came back.

"As long as the victor can make a request of the loser." Captain Avery replied.

"Fine by me."Ira nodded with a grin.


With the camp set up, and the final remnants of daylight gone, everyone begun to relax and settle in. Many kids spoke of their expectations in the capital, free training and education was unprecedented in the Kingdom until twelve years ago. Now everyone had access to a minimal amount of training and education, while more prestigious courses required tuition or a scholarship.

Clark walked around the camp wishing to find Ira, whose cryptic words left an impact on his heart. Amy also roamed the camp with her spear in hand, she was insistent on Ira sharing the tent with her in turns. From Amy's perspective, Ira was her benefactor who let her get her revenge by her own hands, so she felt indebted to him. Unexpectedly, the boy in question wasn't around which caused Clark and Amy both bumped into each while searching for him..

"Have you seen-"

"Did you see-" Both Amy and Clark interrupted each other and became silent. After a brief moment, Amy took the initiative to speak

"I'm guessing you haven't seen him either." She said with a sigh.

"No." Clark responded while looking disappointed.

Amy found a rock to sit on and began to complain, "I can't seem to figure him out, he's…".

"Strange." Clark replied before continuing, "Nearly everything he does is incredibly strange."

Clark sat on a stump across from Amy and shook his head.

"Exactly like today, he told me that no one in this camp would be getting much sleep tonight, before he ran off to speak to Captain Avery." Amy said as she vented her frustrations. While she wasn't particularly jealous, she still wanted to build some sort of understanding with the person who saved her.

"Those two seem close don't they?" Clark said. He had long since noticed that Ira and Captain Avery had been speaking to each other more frequently. Captain Avery was seen as cold and unapproachable to the village kids and even the Knights, but then again Ira was also seen as odd and unapproachable, even with his seemingly upbeat nature. There seemed to be something wrong with those two from an outsider's perspective.

"You don't think? No they couldn't? Could they?"

Amy and Clark stared at each other thinking of when Ira and Captain Avery emerged from the forest after sparring, looking miserable.

They both laughed at the thought of how both Ira and Captain Avery seem to be polar opposites, but managed to be strangely similar..

The sound of a bowstring being released instantly caused both Clark and Amy to be surprised. Before they could react, Ira appeared from thin air and blocked the arrow. The two stared at Ira as if they were lost.

"Ha! One of you could've died just now. You know it pays to be more attentive." Ira spoke, while smiling cheerfully.

Clark spoke nervously, "What's going on‒", but was interrupted by an increasing number of arrows that were aiming for Ira.

Ira titled his head as an arrow flew past his ear and then raised his sword to block the rest. The sound of metal colliding filled the air as he barely blocked the rest.

"You should go find Miss Avery, protecting you guys seems kinda...boring. Also when you find her tell her, four."

Without waiting for a response, Ira disappeared, leaving Amy and Clark bewildered The sound of an arrow being deflected, along with a small spark, spread through the darkness.

"You're gonna need to aim higher!" Ira's cheerful taunt spread out from the dark.

Clark and Amy finally realized that the camp was under attack and ran to the central tent. Strangely some Knights were missing but Clark and Amy didn't have time question this abnormality and charged into the tent.


"Captain Avery! Someone's attacking! Captain‒" Amy's shouting was cut short by the scene inside of the tent.

Eight Knights surrounded Captain Avery, while the other seven were tied up, and unconscious. The eight aggressive Knights were led by Robert. His eyes showed a little surprise upon seeing Amy and Clark enter.

"So you two are still alive? I'm guessing that boy interrupted the rest of the plan" Robert said as he pointed his sword at Captain Avery.

"What are you doing!?" Clark shouted..

"Kid, are you blind or maybe just fucking stupid?" A Knight responded loudly.

"What!?" Clark asked reflexively.

"He's wondering why'd you ask a question, if you already know the answer." Captain Avery said uninterestedly, it was almost as if she wasn't surrounded by swords.

"You're always looking down on us, I can't wait to see how you look without clothes!" A Knight sneered.

At the completely unoriginal threat, Captain Avery could only sigh in annoyance. She turned to Amy and began speaking "Amy, wasn't it? Did you need something from me?"

"Uh…Ira told us to come find you…" Amy awkwardly answered.

"Hey��" A Knight spoke once again, but was cut off.

"Is that all?" Captain Avery asked curiously.

"…He also said 'four'."

"Oh. Less than I thought, well you should gather up with your village friends, you won't be of any use here. If you see him on the way, tell him…" Captain Avery paused, putting her hand on her chin to think, she sent a short glance at Robert. There were a total of eight Knights surrounding her, but she decided to take a prisoner.

"Tell him I said seven." Captain Avery concentrated her Battle Awareness. The involuntary muscle movements of the Knights became as clear as day for her. The reason why people called Battle Awareness a "third eye in combat" was due to the fact it made opponents far easier to read. As long as the user could react in time, they would have the upper hand.

Next, Captain Avery activated Iron Heart. It was both an offensive and defensive skill, which hardened the user's skin and muscles causing an increase in offensive and defensive capabilities.

"You…How could you learn that?!" Robert yelled in shock. Iron Heart required intense concentration to use. In fact it required an almost inhuman amount of concentration.

Instead of responding Captain Avery lunged toward the closest Knight, and slashed diagonally. The attack came as a surprise to the unfortunate Knight and he wasn't even able to scream before blood poured from his wounds. His lifeless body fell to the floor with a thud.

The remaining seven Knight including Robert went pale, and with good reason. Iron Heart paired with Battle Awareness was a frightening combination.

"Amy let's go."Clark said as he pulled Amy's arm. No one noticed the envious look in her eyes as she watched Captain Avery fight.

" How did you know?" Robert asked grimly.

"When you took the initiative to tell me someone intentionally blocked the road, you raised my suspicions. If bandits really wanted to raze a village before we arrived, why would they show an obvious sign like blocking the road. The more time we took getting to the village the less of a chance we had capturing prisoners. This could've been written off as concern for innocent lives, but you also wanted to kill Ira, the one who saved the village. After your insistence on restraining him earlier I knew without a doubt you were a traitor." She explained unbotheredly.

"It's easy to see why people plot against you…" Robert said with a helpless laugh before continuing. "Whoever it was didn't arrange the job personally, so there no point in interrogating us."

"I have a few ideas already, but your intentions are well received." Captain Avery said sarcastically as she realized the true intent behind Robert's speaking so much. Concentrating once again, she took a stance while holding her hand on the saber grip. The seven Knights tensed up in response. Avery's "Ironheart" skill didn't falter even once while she recalled all the details from the past few days. Robert attempted to shake her concentration to create an opening, but sadly he failed.

Captain Avery suddenly slashed low with her saber and took both of Robert's legs off.

"Aaaah!" Robert fell to the floor while screaming in agony. After seeing Avery easily dispatch Robert, the remaining six Knights wanted to surrender. They attempted to drop their weapons, but before they could even move Avery began speaking.

"You've fallen into a bottomless pit, oh great Knights." Captain Avery made her mockery apparent as she spoke.

"W-what does that mean?" A Knight nervously asked.

"There's no way to get out." Captain Avery showed a rare look of enjoyment upon seeing the Knights reactions. The Knights immediately scrambled for their weapons when they realized they had no choice but to kill or be killed.


"Well…" Ira awkwardly said.

After killing two Assassins wielding bows, the remaining two fled, and after chasing them he ended up surrounded by four more Assassins clad in black garments. Two of the new Assassins were holding melee weapons while another was holding a wand and the last was holding a staff. The original two archers were on tree branches aiming at Ira. In total there were six Assassins and all of them readied their weapons as they prepared to attack.

"Wait! I have something to offer!" Ira shouted, holding his hands up. Seeing as he had walked into a trap, he had no other choice.

"What is it?" An Assassin spoke with a distorted voice. He assumed Ira wanted to cooperate with them in exchange for his life, it was something he had seen many times before.

"It's just that…" Ira disappeared from his spot, and before anyone could react he was already swinging his sword at a bow-wielding Assassin who was stationed on a tree branch. Ira cleaved through his neck and left his head hanging by threads of flesh.

"Sneak Attack!" Ira shouted proudly as he kicked the lifeless body into the staff-wielding Assassin. The remaining five Assassins stayed calm, with the exception of the Assassin who was hit with a body, they began to attacked in a coordinated manner.

"Wind Blade!"

A mage Assassin pointed his staff at Ira shouting out a spell. While the two melee Assassins charged forward and the remaining archer took aim. Ira jumped from the tree, but when he landed his leg was struck by an arrow that brought a tingling sensation with it began to spread.

"Poison?!" Ira said as he pulled the arrow out his leg which caused small chunks of flesh to go with it. Not only was the arrow poison but it was barbed to ensure a fatal and agonizing injury upon removal. But since Ira's sense of pain was numb due to his previous time in the Void, he didn't he flinch as he ripped it out of his leg.

An Assassin with a feminine figure, thrust an estoc toward Ira. He used his hand to stop the estoc, causing it to tear through the cartilage in his palm. Another tingling sensation could be felt from his palm.

"More fucking poison?!" Ira shouted with grievance. The feminine figure backed off, while a man rushed up with a rapier.

Although Ira tried to dodge, his injured leg caused him to stumble. The rapier landed on his abdomen repeatedly. The reason the Assassin didn't aim for the vitals was because‒

"Poison! Again? Don't you guys get tired of-"

Another arrow laced with poison struck Ira's back causing him to kneel while breathing heavily.

"Seriously…fucking…poison…again…"Before Ira could finish speaking he fell to the ground.

The Assassins gathered up watching his body, the feminine figure approached cautiously, brandishing a dagger. Although it was enough poison to kill seven men, they wouldn't be Assassins if they didn't confirm his death.

The female Assassin raised her dagger preparing to confirm Ira's death, but just as she moved a hand reached out and grabbed her face. She wasn't even able to react as her face was crushed.

"Ha! Sneak attack again!"Ira shouted as he stood up. He pulled out the Estoc lodged in his hand before looking at the Assassins. Even though they were startled, they still took up their positions once again. The mage Assassin aimed his staff as he prepared a spell. Ira took notice and threw the Estoc at him, causing it to become impaled in the Assassin's throat.

"That's enough from him!" Ira grinned at the remaining two Assassins as he picked up the dagger at his feet. Then, he teleported over to the mage that was pinned under a body and plunged the dagger into the top of his skull.

"Alright, now can we-" Just as Ira began speaking, three arrows shot through the air leaving white trails and each one hit him in the abdomen. Although the two remaining Assassins were briefly shocked, they weren't going to just let an enemy talk.

Assuming that three arrows weren't enough, the Assassin wielding a Rapier threw a black ball towards Ira just as the arrows hit.


The sound of an explosion could be heard throughout the forest. A bright flashing light also accompanied the loud sound. The two Assassins were temporarily stunned, although Assassins carried a variety of tools, an explosive was regarded as a last resort, since it was guaranteed to draw attention.

Ira appeared above the Assassins with some of his ribs were sticking out of his flesh, four arrowsl lodged in his body, huge wounds decorating his upper body, and a shattered right arm.

The bow wielding Assassin was hit as Ira's body collided into his own. Before he could react, Ira used his left hand to gouge out his eyes.

"Euargh!" The Assassin managed to get one miserable scream out before he died..

Ira suddenly disappeared and then reappeared next to the remaining Assassin.

The Assassin quickly thrust the Rapier towards Ira, but he shifted his body allowing it to stab him in the stomach. When the Assassin tried to pull the rapier out of Ira's abdomen he had his wrist grabbed.

"Fuck!" The Assassin cursed in a distorted voice, falling to his knees due to pain. Ira kicked the Assassin's face and sent him flying into a tree, causing some of his bones to shatter on impact.

Ira fell to his knees and took deep breaths while blood dripped from his wounds. Fighting was still something new to him and he seemed to rely heavily on his regeneration to avoid fatal wounds.

"That makes it eight, I think." Ira said with a smile before spitting out blood. He climbed to his feet and surveyed the aftermath of his fight. "I think I'll need proof." He grabbed his sword and began walking toward a body.


"Well?" Captain Avery asked expectantly. Right after she exited her tent, she didn't manage to get too far before being intercepted by four assassins.


An explosion rang out from the forest not to far from the resting area, causing the Assassins to shift their attention toward the explosion for a split second. Captain Avery immediately seized her chance and ran toward the two closest assassins and beheaded them.

The sound of the headless corpses falling to the ground woke the remaining two assassins from their stupor.

"Damn it!" The Deep-voiced Assassin cursed. He was chosen to lead a small group of Assassins to complete a "mildly difficult" job, and yet now it was shaping up to be a nightmare. The assassins assigned to dealing with the Villagers didn't even appear yet, which only served to increase his anger.

"If you tell me who hired you, one of you can leave alive." Captain Avery said before flicking her sword which cleaned it of blood. The Assassins looked at each other before nodding. Suddenly, they both began running toward the area where the explosion occurred. Before they could get any further eight soft "thuds" resounded from in front of them, along with eight heads clad in black masks. The two assassins became cautious and even a little fearful at the sight,

"You guys can't leave yet, the bet isn't even over." Ira appeared from thin air, covered in blood. His clothes were in tatters, his ribs poked out of his skin, his arm was mangled badly, a sword and three arrows stuck out from his abdomen, while an additional arrow poked out from his back.

"I've got eight so far, you?"Ira said. The two Assassins became confused at his strange dialogue.

"What?" The deep voiced Assassin tried to speak but was interrupted by Captain Avery.

"Nine." She said curtly.

"Enjoy having the lead, because I'll be getting ten soon." Ira said with a grin.

The two Assassins counted the number of heads on the ground and realized they were comparing kills.

'Out of all the jobs to take, I end up with these two.' The deep voiced Assassin inwardly regretted his decision.

"We'll see about that." Captain Avery said, while she charged towards the two Assassins.

Ira appeared in front of the second Assassin and reached for his face, unfortunately for Ira, the second Assassin was skilled in martial arts. He grabbed Ira's arm and used his own momentum to throw him. Ira sailed past the Assassin into the direction of Captain Avery. Captain Avery kept moving forward ignoring Ira flying through the air. Right before Ira could crash into Captain Avery he teleported away, appearing back in his previous spot.

"Miss Avery when this is over, I wanna use my last request to have you teach me some martial arts." Ira said grumpily.

Captain Avery gave a slight nod before brandishing her Saber. The Assassin leader drew his weapon and blocked her attack. Meanwhile, the second Assassin prepared to draw his dagger and attack Captain Avery. All he needed was to inflict a scratch and she'd be as good as dead.

Ira appeared behind the second Assassin and lifted him by the leg before slamming him into the ground repeatedly and then tossed him toward the remaining Assassin..

The Assassin leader struggled to gain any ground and was gradually being pushed back by Captain Avery as they crossed swords. Captain Avery suddenly moved away from the Assassin. The Assassin leader was momentarily confused as to why she retreated, but then saw the lifeless body of his comrade flying towards him. The body hit the leader and winded him, he sat up as he tried to recover.

Captain Avery's body began glowing as she used Ironheart and charged forward at twice her original speed.

Ira teleported next to the Assassin leader and then reached out to grab him. Just before he could, Captain Avery picked up a severed Assassin's head and threw it towards the Assassin leader with her increased strength. The head flew through the air, bringing a trail of blood with it. The impact of the severed head on the Assassin's head caused his skull to fracture in several places, instantly killing him.

"Fuck! Just how is that fair?" Ira cursed loudly before falling to his knees. He felt as if he was cheated. He was covered in blood, arrows stuck out of his body, his right arm was smashed into pieces, and his ribs poked through his chest. But in his mind, the biggest injury took tonight was his close loss to Captain Avery.

Captain Avery approached Ira and knelt down beside him, while showcasing an all too rare smile, As strange it may have seemed to her, she realized this night was undoubtedly one of the best in her life. Though, that was mostly due to her strict upbringing.

Captain Avery began to remove the arrows that were lodged inside of Ira..

"Correct me if I am wrong, but did you say you were going to kill ten?" Captain Avery said with a charming laugh.

"Just keep laughing it up." Ira murmured bitterly as she continued to pull the arrows out.

"Don't feel too bad, I'll get you some new clothes at the next town. Would you like that?" Captain Avery spoke with a tone full of mockery.

"Don't patronize me!" Ira snapped indignantly.

With the last arrow out, Captain Avery sat beside Ira, and took a deep breath. They turned to look at each other before laughing. Ira always laughed so that wasn't surprising, what was surprising was, the fact that no one in the Knight squad had ever seen Captain Avery laugh, some Knights even secretly bet that it was impossible for her to laugh. They would be shocked if they could see what was happening right now. The sounds of laughter eventually died down.

"That was a good throw, Miss Avery." Ira said with a grin.

"You weren't so bad yourself, throwing that body to obstruct me was a good idea." Captain Avery responded with a refreshing smile on her face.

As the sun began to rise, a light shone on two figures, a young man covered in blood with tattered clothes and a mangled arm, and a woman wearing a ripped military uniform, stained with blood and dirt.