The Very First Job

In the middle of a forest clearing, two people exchanged blows. Well it was more accurate to say that one person delivered blows while the other just barely blocked all of them. It was needless to say that the one delivering the blows was Avery, while the one receiving was Ira.

All of a sudden a swift combination of three strikes landed on Ira's chest, causing him to stumble a few feet back. Captain Avery nodded before wiping the sweat from her forehead. During the week of traveling, Ira took every opportunity to learn swordsmanship and martial arts from Captain Avery and learn he did. Avery was surprised at his quick comprehension.

"Looks like i'm better at hand to hand rather than swordfighting."

Ira grinned and checked his status card.

Name: Ira


Growth Capacity:



Mana Capacity:Low

Passive Skills:Abnormal Strength, Abnormal Reflexes, Abnormal Senses, Abnormal Comprehension, Abnormal Regeneration, Abnormal Intuition, Novice Swordsmanship, Apprentice Martial Arts.

Active Skills: short-range teleport(???)

"Weapon fighting is typically more practical for those who don't possess innate strength, but with your abilities, hand to hand should take priority," Captain Avery said as she examined his status card.

Although his advancement in martial arts was fast, it wasn't completely unheard off. There were a number of talented people who could advance the first three levels of combat and magic disciplines pretty easily. Only the people who could achieve Master level were truly exceptional and those who could reach Absolute were on another level altogether.

"Thanks for all the help, Miss Avery." Ira smiled cheerfully as they walked onward.

"Unexpectedly you used your two requests on training, so it wasn't much of a problem. Anyway, what do you plan on doing once you get to the capital?" Captain Avery asked.

"Any suggestions?" Ira asked.

"Register at the Mercenaries Union." Captain Avery replied immediately.

"What's that again?" Ira recalled Captain Avery speaking about it once or twice before, but he'd never asked for specifics.

"It's an independent organization which commissions various jobs from the Kingdom or anyone with enough resources to make a job request. Jobs can range from monster subjugation to protecting merchants and even bounty hunting. Also if you have enough money, you can create your own guild or group."

"What would be the point in making a Guild?" Ira asked curiously.

"Well it's not mandatory, but you can make your own headquarters, and receive direct commissions if you become well-known. The Union ranks Mercenaries on their completion rate, status card rating, and quest history. So it shouldn't be a surprise that high ranking mercenaries can take on higher leveled jobs. High ranking guilds can receive long-term contracts and jobs directly."

"So I have to go through the Mercenaries Union for everything?"

"You don't have to, but the Mercenaries Union is the first option for most people. If you wish, you can take on freelance jobs which are posted at the city or town center, however the jobs are usually low pay and pretty easy to complete. The Union is a more reputable option, and thus most people go through them." Captain Avery explained.

"I see." Ira showed some semblance of seriousness as he contemplated..

"There also various assassin and thief groups, although I wouldn't recommend you join for obvious reasons."

"Well, I wouldn't want to end up fighting you?" Ira said with laugh. Though a confrontation with Avery wasn't his only reason, he already disliked Assassins in general due to their generous use of poison. While poison didn't harm him too much, it carried a reminder of a certain day.

After arriving back at the group, Captain Avery mounted her horse and ignored Robert who was restrained to the back of the saddle. Ira was the last one to climb into the carriage as the group set off for Rothenburg.


After another few days of traveling, the group arrived at Rothenburg without any problems. Large amounts of people roamed the streets, and numerous street vendors decorated the corners. Cobblestone roads cut through each section of the city eventually leading to the town center, a wide five-story building with large wooden double doors.

Captain Avery led the group to stay at an inn which was paid for ahead of time by the Kingdom, surprisingly other Knight groups were also there, some with a lot of youths and some with almost none. Many Knight squads were sent all over regions to recover kids in different areas. After a week of waiting, Captain Avery's remaining fifteen knights tasked with the reconstruction of the Village arrived at the city. Meanwhile, Captain Avery and Ira waited in the lobby of the inn, everyone else was packing up ready to use the teleportation array at the city center.

"I don't see any other races around," Ira said with a bit of disappointment. During the entire stay, he only saw humans, and while he was in a human country he still expected to see at least one other race.

"Many races are discriminated against and those who interact with humans prefer to stay in the capital." Captain Avery responded indifferently.

"And why is that?"

"Cultural differences. Elves aren't too keen on Human practices and the same could be said for any other race." Avery explained with a cynical look in her eyes. While most people showed respect for all of the Gods, it would be odd to see humans worshiping the God of a different race.

"So that's how it is." In actuality, Ira had seen similar scenes when he received an understanding of the world. Before Ira could continue to ask questions, two Knights appeared and interrupted.

"Captain!" The Knights saluted in tandem.

"What?" Captain Avery responded emotionlessly. She disliked the task of leading Knights, in her eyes they were weak and undisciplined. If not under instructions from her own family, she wouldn't hesitate to leave.

"Well Franklin and I, found some information you might wanna hear about." Justin sent a nervous glance toward Ira. A glance which failed to escape Avery's notice.

"Ira, I'll meet you all at the teleportation array."

"Sure thing." Ira shrugged and exited the building, heading toward the town center. Captain Avery knew of Ira's extraordinary senses so she waited until he was a safe distance away to speak.

"Speak." Captain Avery ordered.

"Captain, turns out that kid may be from the Black Forest." Franklin spoke with undisguised pride.

"I already guessed as much." Captain Avery responded immediately without a hint of surprise which made Franklin's expression crumble. The Black Forest had remained an enigma since it appeared. Those who had gone to explore the Black Forest from within had never returned and rumor had it that those who observed the Black Forest, from the outskirts often died weeks or even days later in a fit of hysteria. Ira's ability to teleport was the most obvious sign for her. Each time he teleported he left a faint trace of Black Mist which seemed to illustrate some sort of connection with the Black Forest.

"C-Captain, Justin also found some information."Franklin stammered feeling incredibly ashamed.

"Yes Captain, Elder Davis informed us that kid may be related to a family by the name of Fallmire."Justin spoke clearly hoping to avoid Franklin's premature display of accomplishment.

"When we get back to the Capital, I'll task you two with further investigation. Perform well and you will be rewarded. Now if that's all, it's time to head to the teleportation array." Captain Avery turned to leave the two Knights who had eyes filled with excitement.

"Wait, Captain. Where are the rest of the Knights? The numbers seem kind of short." Franklin blurted out without thinking.

"Dead. They attempted to assassinate me, Robert is in custody as a prisoner. Treat him accordingly." Captain Avery peeked over her shoulder as she gave a cold answer before leaving.

Franklin nervously gulped as Avery left. For as long as he's been in Captain's Avery's service she had never thrown away the lives of others needlessly. Little did he know that they only served as experience for Avery. She was sent by her family to get a handle on leadership and adaptive thinking without much compromise.

"Well at least there is some good news in all this." Justin sighed.

"Y-yeah we get to do our investigation. We may even get promoted." Franklin agreed fervently.


Eventually, all the groups gathered at the town center. A large stone floor with intricate carvings lay in the back of the center. After being checked by the guards stationed every stepped onto the floor.

The Guard who looked to be the leader nodded his head and began to speak."After the array is activated, no one should move around. To negate effects of nausea and dizziness, you should hold your breath and close your eyes. The array will be activated in 30 seconds."

Almost all the youths gripped their belongings tightly and closed their eyes. Most Knights also shut their eyes. Only a few thought they were too tough to be affected. Ira looked around while resting his hands behind his head in a relaxed matter. After all, would teleporting on an array be much different than doing it himself? A few Knights and kids secretly sneered at him, thinking he would embarrass himself while attempting to show false bravado.

"3...2...1...!" The Guard's voice trailed off as the array activated.

A bright blue light enveloped everyone standing on the array, as the engravings lit up, and a deafeningly loud buzzing noise rang out.

The light and noise abruptly died down leaving an empty stone floor.


In a flash, everyone appeared on a stone floor in an open area. Numerous guards, mages, and alchemists were surrounding the stone floor where the group appeared.

People began immediately throwing up and falling, some people didn't fall but failed to stay upright, stumbling around bumping into people. Ira stayed in the same position, his hands still resting in a relaxed manner. As he thought, teleportation via the array was different yet it hardly affected him.

Captain Avery nodded after noticing none of her own Knights were among the ones puking. She sent a glance toward Franklin as she remembered him specifically throwing up at the village. Franklin winced as he noticed Captain Avery's gaze, at that moment he knew what she must've been thinking and couldn't help but to be embarrassed.

"Everyone who threw up, stay behind, you'll be cleaning your own mess up!" A white bearded mage shouted loudly. "Also you'll be fined for damage to Kingdom property!" He tacked on at the end.

Those who managed not to throw up, lined up to be processed. After being vetted by the guards, and examined by the mages and alchemists, groups of people began leaving one at a time. Captain Avery lead her group to the outside of the building before stopping.

Ira stepped out away from the group of villagers with a bright grin. "This is where we part ways."

"If you need to contact me, ask for directions to the Thynne Family Manor, you'll be received as a guest. Also, try not to cause trouble while you're here." Captain Avery said in an unhurried manner, she had a feeling she would be seeing him again.

"Ah! Come visit the academy and look for me!" Amy shouted. She still felt she needed to pay Ira back, while Clark felt uncomfortable with the possibility of Ira snatching Amy away. For now, it seemed that the feelings between Ira and Amy were strictly platonic. At least they were for Ira, his curiosity for the opposite sex remained as just curiosity at the moment.

"Sure thing, Amy." Ira nodded in agreement.

"I almost forgot, catch." Captain Avery said before she threw an object toward Ira, who caught it without much effort. As looked at the object he was surprised to see a stack of money, neatly tied.

"I'll have to get you something too," Ira said in a mockingly affectionate voice.

"Try not to disappoint." Captain Avery responded with a small grin that no one else seemed to notice.

Ira performed an exaggerated bow, drawing the attention of many bystanders before he turned to leave.


"Fifteen thousand Gre." Ira counted the money before nodding. If Ira were to use that money in a village he would no doubt be rich, since Villagers tended to rely on a traditional system of trade. Towns were much better as the number of goods to be made or purchased drastically increased. But nothing could compare to the trade that went on in the cities. 15,000 Gre was barely enough to get decent equipment and wasn't anywhere near enough to purchase a property if one were looking to settle outside the slums.

Looking up at the wide building in front of him, it stopped at twelve stories with intricate designs of swords and shields decorating outside walls. Two double doors were stationed under a grey marble archway, over the archway hung a delicately inscribed engraving which read, "Mercenaries Union Headquarters". He smiled as he stepped into Mercenaries Union headquarters.

The inside of the building was as grandly decorated as the outside, although there weren't any flashy designs. Mahogany tables, chairs, and desk were set up in the lobby, the latter being for the receptionists. There were also a few couches made of brown leather, on either side of the room. Four groups, each with 20-40 people, were all lined up in front of four receptionist. At once, everyone turned their attention to the handsome youth dressed in black with black hair, yellow eyes, and a cheerful grin who walked in. A mix of appreciating, jealous, admiring, contemptful, affectionate, and even amused gazes landed on Ira, who appeared to be immune to it, taking his place in line behind a brawny man.

"A scrawny boy like you wants to be a mercenary?" The brawny man looked down at Ira, figuratively and literally. While Ira didn't know, some Mercenaries had a habit of harassing those who had yet to join. To them, it was nothing more than a routine pastime.

"Ah! This seems to be the Mercenary Union Headquarters, and this seems to be the line to register to be a Mercenary, and I seem to be in the line. So I guess the answer is yes." Ira spoke sarcastically with wide eyes, an expression of fake awe on his face. A few people who overheard him began chuckling at what they could only describe as entertainment as they waited. Only the brawny man didn't understand and assumed they were laughing at Ira, he turned around with the feeling of satisfaction.

"He's mocking you, you dumb bastard." Someone from the line said, causing more people to laugh. Of course, they only wanted to stoke the fire.

"You think you can mock me, little boy?" The brawny man seethed with annoyance.

"Well at least one of us can think," Ira replied lazily.

The brawny man began breathing rougher and rougher, eventually, his anger overcame him and he swung his fist toward Ira. To his surprise, his wrist was immediately grabbed by Ira, who looked at him curiously.

"What exactly were you going to do?" Ira's lips curved into a grin. The brawny man tried pulling his arm back but failed to get any leeway. Seeing the man struggle, Ira decided to apply more pressure to his wrist.

"Ah! Fuck! Get off! Get the fuck off!" The brawny man fell to one knee and started shouting, drawing more attention.

"Most of the time they curse after something's broken," Ira spoke to no one in particular as he applied slightly more pressure.

"P-please...let me go." The man whimpered as his forehead began to produce beads of sweat.

"I probably shouldn't cause trouble this soon," Ira said to himself as he let the man go.

"Ugh...Damn it." The brawny man massaged his wrist as he looked fearfully at Ira. The surrounding spectators didn't even laugh at the man because they felt this boy who looked like he was seventeen was incredibly cruel. If Ira could know their thoughts he would be confused. There was no sadistic motivation in his actions. From his previous experiences with others, at least those who were antagonistic toward him, violence seemed to be a very effective motivator.

"If you look at me like that I'll get embarrassed," Ira said as he scratched his head. The spectators turned back to face the front of the line but still felt uneasy with such a brutal person behind them.


After the line progressed, it was finally Ira's turn to register.

A young receptionist with a nametag that read Samantha, began speaking, while secretly observing Ira. "If you would like to register it is an initial fee of 200 Gre and 300 Gre to borrow a status card."

Ira pulled the money and status card from his pocket, or at least that was what it would look like to anyone observing him, he actually activated his void space while his hand was in his pocket. Not to hide his ability, but because he forgot his status card wasn't in his pocket.

"Here you go." Ira casually placed the items in her hand. While he thought nothing of it the receptionist appeared to be flustered, the status card appeared to be abnormal, to say the least.

"U-Uh, Although some information is missing, It doesn't appear to be forged. Here is your Union card, in case you lose it, you can purchase another for 150 Gre."

The receptionist carefully handed Ira his status card back and his new Mercenaries Union card.

"To access to the higher levels you need to use your Union card, the second floor, third, and the fourth floor are all connected. Jobs can be taken on the second floor, there are rooms for rent and a cafeteria on the third floor. The fourth floor and fifth floor hold the smithery and the training room, respectively.

Samantha explained carefully. Although the youth had a B+ rating, she had seen too many naive young men try to become Mercenaries. Although being a mercenary was appealing it was immensely dangerous, not just externally but even internally. There were cases of Mercenaries being captured during attempted bandit subjugations and being tortured or ransomed. There were also many high-ranking mercenaries who were either, betrayed by their own groups and died prematurely, forced to kill their former friends to survive, or lost their friends due to some other event.

With such a high mortality rate, one would think being a Mercenary wouldn't be popular, but the payout was outstanding. The average salary for a lower-class family was between 1000-10,000 Gre, a middle-class family was between 20-35 thousand Gre, a lesser noble was between 35-50 thousand Gre, a high ranking noble could earn between 50-250 thousand Gre. Being a Mercenary, one could possibly earn 15,000 Gre with a few high to middle ranked jobs. Though for those weaker Mercenaries, the money went back into supporting themselves.

Ira smiled at the receptionist and went towards the lift. Once inside he used his Mercenary card to activate it. The lift could hold up to 10 people and was made with levitation arrays, which were by no means cheap.

Once he got to the second floor, Ira could see large groups of people posted at various glass screens. One person raised their card and touched a prompt on the screen, the card lit up and the prompt disappeared. Jobs were taken through the mercenary card, which could record job history, once a job was taken the information recording arrays were sent to higher floors to be monitored and recorded, this method prevented any loopholes regarding responsibility or falsifying job history.

If someone failed or couldn't complete a certain job they would have to pay a huge fine, if the fine wasn't paid they would be barred from the Mercenary Union at the very minimum. If one owed a large sum they may even have a bounty set on them. The Union had a slogan for those less than ideal Mercenaries 'Blood or Gold'.

In the middle of the room was a huge blue glass column, which read 'Rankings' and under it, was a list of 100 names. Ira found an empty screen and began browsing. There were thousands of jobs from hard labor to monster subjugation to hired soldiers. There was also a qualified option, Ira touched his card and the huge list began to sort itself. Soon the list was divided between C+ and B+ jobs. Soon his attention was caught by a bounty which read "10,000 bounty request, B level target: The Slaver, last known location: The Great Forest." with a picture of a smiling middle-aged man with short hair and a long scraggly beard.

'Oh, a bounty sounds fun.' Ira pressed his card on to the active bounty, and without even reading any more information he left.