Alas For The Poor Sheep

The Enormous Black Wolf began walking forward. Each step left deep imprints on the ground and shook the surroundings. The survivors of the Fortress Destruction and the Diavol army all felt pure terror at the sight of it. The red eyes seemed to give off a visible bloodlust that crept its way into the hearts of all of those present.

The ground rumbled as the Wolf moved closer to the army of 8000 or so Diavol. The young Diavol who was in command of the army shook in fear. He wanted to order the Mages to force the Giants to restrain the Wolf, but he quickly remembered they were dead.

"Fire everything we have, or all of us will die! Someone get those Giants to attack!"

He screamed at his men as he drew his bow and shot at the red eyes of the wolf. He was an S- rated Archer in the Republic, and he even had the nickname "Gifted Arrow" for his outstanding accuracy and eyesight. The arrows struck the completely red eyes of the Wolf and bounced off much to the dismay of the "Gifted Arrow." Soldiers ran to load the catapults and ballista and fired.

Hundreds of Siege weapons fired at the Giant Wolf.

As the stones hit, they exploded into dust, while the Black Wolf continued it's walk forward. Soldiers gathered at the three Giants as channeled the small amount of mana they had into the mental restraints. It would cause the Giants to lose control, rendering them impossible to manipulate after, but everyone could only think of surviving.


The Giants eyes went bloodshot as they roared in unison, they wildly stomped as they crushed the Diavol around them. They then charged at the wolf that was a little more than twice their size.

The Wolf remained silent as it sped up, it moved from a steady walk to a slow trot, and then a full on sprint. It lowered its head and opened its huge mouth, that was lined with black fangs. It grabbed the Giants and snapped its mouth shut. Along with a mist of blood, bone fragments flew onto the army like a rain of arrows.



"Run! Fucking run!"

The men abandoned their futile efforts, seeing the Giants, who seemed to only anger the wolf further, get eaten. The young Diavol also retreated in fear as he climbed onto his white horse. Seeing the men scattered the Wolf stopped its sprint and opened it's gaping maw. Black Mist poured out of its mouth as it stood still. The Diavol paid no attention, to what was an obvious bad omen, and continued their retreat. Suddenly, the slower men who were busy retreating began to float backward slowly.



"Gods, no!"

Panic spread quickly as no one could escape the strange phenomenon. The Diavol, Equipment, Debris, anything in front of the Wolf that didn't have a solid foundation on the ground, such as the mountains to either side of the valley, all got pulled into the air. The young Diavol commander was no exception as he soon found himself floating backward. Less than ten random Diavol soldiers were lucky enough to escape as soon as the Wolf appeared, though they were technically deserters, it was likely no sane person would find anything wrong with their rationale.

The gravity that was initially a slow pull backward suddenly became an unstoppable suction force that even absorbed the wind. The source of the loud noise was Wolf's jaws, inside its mouth was a black hole that drew in everything. Quickly the army and everything that came with it was devoured. The Diavol screamed in silence, as sound couldn't even escape the pull of the Black Wolf. The ground rumbled as large amounts of loose soil were picked up, and even the mountains lining the Eastern Valley experienced avalanches. After devouring the Diavol Army and part of the surroundings, the Black Wolf closed its jaws causing a giant shockwave to erupt. The Black Wolf turned it's head to look at the Fortress. The couple dozen human survivors panicked as they failed to notice the Wolf wasn't looking at them, but a wounded woman on the edge of the fortress. It turned to survey the rubble and stared at a particular spot. After a few moments, a girl with pale blue hair, covered in blood and dust looked at the Wolf and nodded her head. The third red dot on her forehead glowed brightly under the red hue of the moon. She moved past the human Soldiers with a limp and shortly arrived next to the wounded woman with dark purple hair.

The Wolf turned it's head away before running deeper into the Diavol Territory.


70 miles away from the border of the Diavol Republic and just outside what was the Eastern Valley to humans, but the Western Valley to the Diavol, a city, called Savora, stood tall. It was a military outpost that also functioned as a city. While being stationed on the border soldiers often were bored or missed home, so the city sold goods and delivered messages to make things a bit more comfortable for those in service. It quickly became a favorite place for soldiers and Merchants looking to make a small fortune. Currently, thousands of people stood in the streets as they gazed at the Red Moon that appeared from nowhere, and the expanding black circle around it. At first, people panicked, but as nothing happened, it turned into confusion and even wonder.

"What the hell is that?" A soldier stationed at the city spoke up, causing a small crowd of people to look toward the east.

"...Is it smoke?" An old man asked as he narrowed his eyes. By now the crowd noticed two red circles moving toward the city. A red hue suddenly shone down onto the city like a spotlight, it was an ominous change causing many to grow nervous. The ray of red light highlighted the black silhouette of a Wolf, with each step it took the ground shook in response. Shock, panic, fear, the inhabitants of the city felt it all, there was no time to react they could only watch in horror.

"Gods have Mercy..."

A young man grew tearful as he thought of his parents, who insisted he not take part in any battles. He cried when he was faced with the thought of never seeing them again.

The Black Wolf abruptly stopped in front of the city and opened its jaws. No matter where they were the inhabitants could feel nothing but fear as it silently opened its mouth. They would have no time to react as the unrestrained pulling force ripped the earth from its very foundation. Ira paid no heed to what counted as innocent and what didn't, as far as he was concerned every life in the city wasn't worth even half of Avery's.

During war time, it was accepted that many people would die, whether they were guilty or innocent. And while it was unfortunate, it was still a part of reality. Atrocities often unspoken of shadowed any and all large scale battles, massacres, killing unarmed prisoners, burning property, and much more. But nothing on this scale had ever happened.

The body of the Wolf expanded and grew into a large Black Cloud that had the shape of Wolf's head. The Wolf-Shaped Black Cloud became broad enough to cover the whole city. It lowered its head and dug its teeth into the area that defined the border of the city. The last thing the residents would see was a dark sky.

The Black Wolf's jaws snapped shut and it slowly shrunk back to its original size of 50 feet. Dust didn't even rise from the deep crater filled with what looked to be teeth marks. It sat there as if it had always been. The red haze of the moon's light faded away, as the Wolf departed from the scene of, what would soon be referred to as one of the largest catastrophes in the world.

Which would be more commonly known as, "The Savora Disaster." The tragedy which rendered a large city, filled with 100,000 soldiers and unlucky merchants, completely non-existent. The cause would be shortly reported within a couple days, by one lone army deserter who survived after fleeing into the Eastern Valley's mountains.


Exactly 6 minutes after the towering Black Wolf disappeared. It reappeared in front of the Fortress and instantly erupted into black mist before anyone could react.

The mist spread around and obscured everyone's sight. In the corner of the Fortress ruins, Ira appeared without any clothes in front of Avery and Harper. He seemed to have aged by a year and a half, and his hair was noticeably shorter, only reaching his ears. His eyes began slowly reverting back to the usual bright yellow, as the black circle in the sky was closed and the Massive Red Moon could no longer be seen. He ran over to Avery and kneeled down.

"I-I used my magic to push the metal out of her body."

Harper explained as she looked at Ira's slightly changed appearance. Harper closed her wounds by conjuring a phantom construct that worked similar to stitches. It was a sloppy job, but her internal bleeding was slowed to the point it was no longer life threatening.

"Good job."

Ira patted her on the head, but he didn't smile or laugh which was beyond peculiar to Harper, as long as she had known him he always smiled or laughed.

"Hold her head."

Ira said, Harper immediately lifted Avery's head as Ira retrieved the black cloak. He put it on, before removing Avery's armor and storing it with a wave of his left hand. He then kneeled down to pick Avery up and carry her through the rubble of the fortress wall.

Commander Belmond was among the dozen or so survivors, he was battered and beaten, and his leg was crushed so much he would be permanently crippled, but he still held onto the hand of the former Lt. Commander as the few men that could still stand, made their way over to him.

Snow began to fall as men groaned and coughed, some climbing out of the debris, while other lied motionless.

"Commander." A soldier coughed out.

"Not now."Commander Belmond muttered.

"Commander." Another soldier said.

"What is it!" Commander Belmond shouted as he turned to face the Soldiers. He knew it wasn't appropriate to yell at men who nearly died and suffered the same loss he did, but he couldn't help it. The soldiers didn't react and pointed up.

"..." Commander Belmond frowned as he looked at the sky, A bright golden aurora moved with a divine splendor.

All over the continent the Aurora was just as visible as the red moon and caused just as much as a commotion. Many wondered what it meant, but they would have their answer within less than a week.

Commander Belmond looked over to see the boy, with black hair and yellow eyes, who looked slightly more mature, wearing a black cloak, carrying the woman with dark purple hair and a little girl with pale blue hair dressed in black limping behind him. Commander Belmond wanted to call out to ask if he was the Black Wolf. He was the only one who noticed the boy's red eyes shortly before the Black Wolf appeared and it didn't take a genius to put two and two together.

"Harper." Ira spared them a single glance before looking at the Aurora in the sky. He then turned to face Harper.

"...Ira...I'm sorry...I only have enough power to change five of them...I think."

Harper replied in an apologetic tone. She used most of her mana shielding herself from the explosions and then a sizeable portion to stabilize Avery.

"It's fine. Keep the bald one alive, pick four other random ones, kill the rest." Ira shrugged as he continued to walk with Avery in his arms. Harper nodded as she walked toward the men. Ira really had no choice in the matter, he wasn't able to completely prevent them from seeing him change his form, not that he would lose any sleep over their deaths.

They were clueless as to what was about to happen. Harper's steps became steady as her wounded leg regenerated.

"Mister, do you have any water?" She asked as she stood near the crowd of soldiers who were distracted by the aurora in the sky.

"Sure." The soldier handed over a canteen to Harper, she accepted it and took a drink.

"Thank you."She said as she placed her hand on the metal baton.

"No problem-" The Soldier couldn't finish his sentence as he lost his head. Harper swung the phantom blue chain and began cutting down as many Soldiers as she could. She glanced over to see Ira getting further away, so she sped up her killing. "Aaaah!"




The soldiers cried out, but they were too wounded to resist or flee, so they had no choice but to accept death as the blue chain dagger sliced their arteries and tore open their faces. Harper spun and twisted as she guided the blade into any soldier that attempted to get away.

Eventually, the screams stopped as only a silent Commander Belmond, and a few other men were left.

"...Why?" Commander Belmond looked up at the little girl who had an innocent face. She scrunched her eyebrows at the question as she remained silent.

"...Because Ira told me to." A few moments later she spoke. She stated her reason as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Without waiting any further, her eyes turned blue as she waved her hand over the survivors. They would soon forget how the little girl killed their comrades and only remember how their fellow soldiers got torn apart in the "explosion." They'd also forget everything about the Black Wolf and instead remember a black "creature" appearing as a result of the strange magic the Diavol used.

Harper looked tired after she was done, but she soon made a determined face and chased after Ira.


Before the Golden Aurora descended, there was a talk in a realm far from the reaches of mortals. It was known as the Divine Realm. Contrary to the religious belief's of Mortals, Gods didn't just reside there, watching over the human realm. They ruled over various celestial beings, it was very similar to how mortals governed themselves. Sometimes they would even go to war against each other.

In a Golden Hall, men, women, and creatures without an apparent gender all sat at a large table. Some were dressed in furs, while other wore intricate armor or robes. Their looks varied incredibly, from those who looked Human to those who looked similar to Elves, some had horns, and others had glowing skin. Their looks were varied, but they all seemed to give off a Godly aura, most likely because they were actual Gods. There were more than twenty of them sitting at the table. One Male God who held an aetherial attractiveness stood up and began speaking.

"We all know why we're here." He said solemnly. Some of the Gods at the table nodded.

"First, it was the creation of something that borders the taboo." A radiant blue God slammed their fist onto the table. The taboo it referred to, was the establishment of a new bloodline. As Charles theorized, Harper tapped into one of the Origin Forces, and it was immediately noticed by certain Gods who also used the same Force she did. As the Spectral Force could rarely be manipulated by living beings, he quickly found out.

"No. The Black Pillar, it even reached our Realm." A woman said in disagreement. The Black Pillar didn't just stop in the Mortal Realm, there was a similar pillar in the Divine Realm.

"Enough! All these events served as a reminder, the Devourer is still present!" A God with horns and greenish skin shouted. The table broke into a fierce debate and people went back and forth.

"Don't conduct yourselves with the fickleness of mortals." An older Male God with a serious face spoke. He had flowingly long gray hair and a gray beard that matched, but he was definitely no weak old man.

The arguments immediately stopped under his comment. He was one of the strongest Primary Gods, so they had to show him respect. In the Divine Realm there were Secondary Gods, and then there were Primary Gods. Secondary Gods were usually classified as celestial beings strong enough to earn the title of Gods or mortals who ascended into the Divine Realm and earned the title.

"Listen. I know all of us felt the Red Moon appearing again, for the first time in countless years." The God who initially spoke began talking.

"The Devourer was driven beyond the Origin-Realm, and we assumed him to be dead until the black pillar. It appears he has chosen someone to inherit the blood of the Avarus Lupum, that someone appears to also have control over Ulta Majoris and is most likely the last pureblooded Avarus Lupum in existence."

The Attractive God stated grimly. Most Gods heard the story but there were only a small few alive to witness the conflict with the Avarus Lupum. The Gods who did witness it never even spoke of it, it seemed as if there was an unwritten agreement between them to keep the events secret from everyone else.

"I thought all the Avarus were dead and that the last one was chased beyond the Origin-Realm." A God said with a confused expression.

"We didn't think it was possible to survive beyond the Origin-Realm. The massive storm that continuously flows can even kill us permanently if we were to enter it. Currently, a mortal has the ability to call in a Moon that originated from the Divine Realm, and may even hold the key to the secrets of the Origin-Realm itself. If we get it not only can we put down that vengeful dog, but we may open the door to a whole new power."

The God spoke convincingly, and all but a select few looked to be in agreement.

"So what do you plan on doing?" A woman spoke, a hint of disdain was present in her voice.

"I propose we reopen the barrier and let the mortals receive power again. If the Avarus continues to run wild, he will stir them into action and he'll be easier to find. If he runs across anyone who worships one of us, we can initiate Divine Possession. If that doesn't work we can send a divine revelation if he causes trouble." The God responded politely to the woman, she was originally from the mortal realm, but ascended and became a Secondary God, and what was more shocking was the fact she became a Primary God soon after. What the God proposed was to basically use mortals as hunting dogs.

"Was it not closed 1000 years ago because the humans and the others had gotten too close to unlocking Divinity before?" The woman asked rhetorically with a cold and distant tone. The older male God spoke up.

The older male God spoke up. "That's enough. You should personally know that the humans almost broke the taboo, as you were there. Even we aren't immune to the laws of creation and the punishments that follow, otherwise, one of us could descend right now and capture the Avarus Lupum running wild below. At least hear him out, Kara." he said sternly.

"Don't you have a daughter in the mortal realm? Removing the barrier may even benefit her and any of the descendants of your Thynne Family directly." Another God said.

"Don't you ever speak of my family." Kara Thynne's silver hair began to float, and her eyes turned into two bright silver lights as she stood up. The reason she was formidable and became one of the few mortals to ascend into a Primary God was that she had perfected her ability to wield any weapon. She could enter a state that allowed her to rival even the most experienced Gods in combat.

"Enough!" The Older God shouted, and his voice shook the Golden Hall. Kara sat down and returned to her normal state. Seeing all the Gods turn silent he spoke.

"Haah. Shall we raise the barrier?" The Older God had sighed before he asked. A majority of the Gods present agreed while a few, including Kara, abstained.

"Then it's settled." The Attractive God who initiated the meeting smiled as the meeting came to an end.

A few moments later, the Gods went deeper into the hall and stood on a floor that appeared to be as clear as glass. It showed the entire universe within the bounds of the Mortal Realm. They each channeled their Divine Power, and soon enough something happened. A Golden Aurora covered the whole Earth. The barrier served as a way to basically dilute the Origin Forces from reaching the Mortal Realm, but with it open, the power would go through unabashed. Random creatures would now receive blessings or may even awaken to a new power.

The chaos caused when it was closed was bound to be the same when it was reopened. All the events leading to the reopening of the barrier, also called "The Curtain" by mortals, could all be traced back to one person. The same one carrying the blood of the Avarus Lupum and was the last Avarus in existence.

It remained to be seen if he could weather the chaos that was to come or crumble into dust.