
Xavier eyes burn in fury but next second he gasps along with leo stunned at the scene before him.

"What the fuck" shouts Ava disgusted when bella pukes on her when she turned around with a pout as Ava was grabbing her hair tight.

Bella stumbles back when Xavier holds her immediately before she touches the ground.

"You cheap low class girl how dare you you know the cost of my dress" shouts Ava walking near bella threateningly when Xavier hisses angrily

"Stay there Miss. Green you have created an enough scene dare you point at her"

"But Xavier" she tries when she was cut in between angrily "It's Mr. Knight for you" exclaims Xavier sternly.

"Mr. Knight it's a designer peace she spoiled it" says Ava fuming in anger seeing him holding the girl who was now half unconscious.

"You would get the money transferred and now get me the bracelet" says Xavier gritting his teeth.

When Ava glares at bella and nods walking inside she points at the box on the sofa in living room when Xavier gives a look to leo who picks it and soon they walks out.

Xavier looks at bella who was almost unconscious and picks her in his arms and places her in the car getting inside after her.

"Mr. Knight we are ready to fly" says leo after attending a call.

"Good then let's go" says Xavier.

Soon enough they reach the private place to board the plane Xavier picks an unconcious bella in his arms with leo behind him and few other guards.

Next Day:

Seattle: 1PM:

Bella wakes up from her slumber and clutches her head tightly she looks around she was in a spacious bedroom with grey and black theme a fear runs down her spine looking around she clutches her head tightly closing her eyes when flashes of previous night play in her mind.

Bella runs in a club through a back door silently not getting caught she runs pushing people and stumbles against something hard when two hands hold her she opens her eyes slowly to get lost in a capative eyes staring at her but soon her eyes falls on two guys who entered in the club and she starts struggling when the hot stranger makes her calm she was just in the stranger frozen in her place when he asks her to stay still and he would get back.

That's when she looks at a glass assuming it to be water she gulps down but stops feeling different but being so thirsty she gulps all the 10 glasses down that's when someone holds her arm tightly and she freezes looking at the guys.

Bella opens her eyes to remember what happened later but she feels a hammering pain in her head.

She looks around frantically and her eyes fall on her dress she was in nothing but a black shirt which was huge ended at mid of thies she gulps scared and sees a glass water and a pill bottle lying on the table beside the bed she grabs it and gulps down a pill with the glass of water.

She immediately feels little bit better

"Where am I did the guys kidnapped me and got me back no no it's not possible iam not tied but where am I" mumbles bella to herself.

She looks at the door standing straight on the opposite wall and she immediately runs towards it to find it open.

Bella opens her door silently and peaks out

"I need to get out as soon as possible I can't stay at a single place but where is my dress and my bag which have all the important documents"

She looks around the room turning back that's when she finds her bag untouched lying on the sofa near the window she immediately grabs it and looks out of the window she is in first floor and there were trees all around and main entrance at a very far distance with guards guarding it.

She immediately grabs the bag and walks out of the room silently with out making a noise soon she reaches the spots the stairs and she walks down cautiously and looks around after walking for about five minutes she spots a door then she makes a run towards it when she was about to grab the handle the door opens pushing her backwards on to floor and she hisses falling on her butt.

A guy in his late 20's glare at the girl lying before him and immediately grabs her thinking her as a threat.

"Stop where you are don't you dare to try anything" says the guy holding her clutching her arms tightly earning a cry from her mouth.

"Ahhh you bastard leave me ahh" cries bella feeling his fingers digging her sensitive skin that's when she hears a door thud from upstairs and bella starts struggling in the guy's arms scared she immediately kicks him where the sun doesn't shine and he hisses holding his jewel bella releases herself when she hears footsteps approaching from behind.

She immediately makes a run towards the main door but someone holds her by waist lifting her in air.

Bella starts struggling and tears form in her eyes and she starts pleading

"Please let me go please" sobs bella while struggling.

"Baby girl hold on what's wrong" whispers Xavier huskily in her ears

Bella freezes for a second and Xavier nods at the guy to close the door making bella start struggling again Xavier puts her down turns her around gently and flushes her against him

"You you were the one I crashed" says bella stunned looking at his face she looks down and sees him in a white t shirt and black jeans his strong muscles were on display from the shirt and she could feel them as she was flushed against him

Xavier chuckles at her seeing her in her full senses "Yes that's me iam Xavier Knight" whispers Xavier huskily in her ears.

Bella frozes on her spot feeling tingles and butterflies but soon she comes back to her senses and says

"Iam Bella Summers now iam fine can you let me go I need to get out immediately" says bella now extremely calm

Xavier chuckles and brushes his finger on her cheeks making her close her and smirk form on his lips seeing his effect on her "Baby girl do you even know where you are" asks Xavier putting his both hands on her hips earning a gasp from her with the contact.

Bella nods no as words doesn't escape from her mouth when Xavier chuckles

"We are in Seattle" says Xavier when bella widens her eyes

"Why am I here with you" asks bella quickly gaining her voice Xavier chuckles at her question pulling her more closer there faces were inches apart when he leans towards her ears and whispers huskily

"Because you belong to me baby girl you are mine"

Bella pushes Xavier and pokes on his chest angrily and hisses at him

"Iam not a thing Mr. Knight to put your claim on me"

"I would watch what iam speaking if iam in your place" says the guy from behind angrily who was the reason she was caught.

"And who do you think you are to speak in between" shouts bella angrily trying to hit him when xavier pulls her back hugging her from behind.

"It's Jasper king my best friend and also a family as he my sister's fiance" says Xavier leaving his hot breath on her ear making her shudder in his touch.

Xavier turns bella towards him and now his face was stern

"Now when you know where you are why you are here accept it as soon as possible because you don't have a way out of here and no one would help I have my best men guarding the home when you become a good girl and accept me we will go to our home it's waiting for you" completely Xavier softly at the end when bella just stares at him blankly.

"Baby keep it in your mind I would find you even you hide at any part of the world" says xavier when bella faces turns white listening him.

"I how can I.. I don't even know you" whispers bella with tears

"Then let's know eachother baby once you accept it you would get whatever you want be it anything" whispers Xavier huskily creasing her cheek

"But ya your drunk self likes me more I guess so it's not very difficult for you to accept the truth" says Xavier when bella gives him confused look and he chuckles releasing her

"Well Bella baby you gave me a name to" says Xavier looking at her to see if she remembers something but she looks bewildered

"It's Xavi I love it from your mouth" says Xavier leaning his face close to her.

To Be Continued....