Why Not Go On a Killing Spree?

Eventually, Bell stopped lamenting the fact that he would have to siphon blood his whole life if he wanted to improve all of his Constitution skills to Mastery Tier 5. That was because he remembered that without the system, he wouldn't have been able to do something like evolve into a new species or have his lifespan lengthened. If not for the system, he would just be a normal mosquito siphoning blood from time to time to stave off hunger before dying after 5 weeks of flying.

Naturally, Bell did not want such a life. Then again, he still could not help but hate the system since the amount of Impure Blood Energy he needed to enhance his Constitution skills would become exceedingly high later on. In the end, he let out a long sigh as he said, "Well, I guess it's like the relationship between a wife and her husband. It's a love-hate relationship."

With that in mind, he soon placed the thought of having to slave away at the back of his head as the amount of Impure Blood Energy he needed to upgrade his Constitution skills hadn't reached that level of being exceedingly high yet. Nevertheless, he noticed that the amount of Impure Blood Energy he currently had was far from enough from being able to even choose the option of upgrading his Constitution skills.

And so, recalling that he was a mosquito, he started to fly off in search of animals to siphon blood from so he could evolve his [Enhanced Blood Storage] to the next tier.


Fortunately, by the time he was finished transforming to a Night Walker Mosquito and started to fly for animals to siphon, the predatory animals were finally awake, bringing a hint of happiness to Bell as he thought about the amount of Constitution skills he could get from the animals he hadn't siphoned blood from yet. Though, this thought turned gloomy as he soon remembered that he would be upgrading them in the future, using a lot of Impure Blood Energy to do so.

Of course, just like before, he placed this thought at the back of his head, making sure to keep up an optimistic point of view of the world as he zoomed through the forest, making sure to use his sense of vision alongside his sense of hearing while searching for animals to siphon blood from. The reason why he also used his sense of hearing was because the predatory animals were constantly roaring from time to time, more or less giving away their information to other predatory animals to stay away from them.

Unfortunately for them, Bell interpreted those roars as a sign for him to come closer to them.

After just ten minutes or so or constant flying, Bell had arrived on top of a small clearing that currently had a pack of wolves in the middle of it. At the moment, a huge pile of animal corpses could be seen at the center of the wolves, with all of them looking at it with ravenous gazes. Unfortunately for most of the wolves, one of the wolves among them stepped forward and radiated the same faint blue energy Bell saw from those two humans.

In an instant, he could not help but shout in surprise, "Qi!"

It was then that he remembered that in those web novels he had read back in the past that humans weren't the only ones capable of manipulating and absorbing qi. In fact, animals also had the same ability of doing that, but just didn't have the intelligence or any technique that would allow them to do so at a quicker rate.

With that in mind, he could not help but watch by the sides and see what was going to unfold amongst this pack of wolves, noticing that the wolf that showed qi soon manifested a couple motes of faint blue light before sending them towards one of the wolves. Soon after, the wolf that was sent that mote of qi kneeled in response, as if it was responding to the first wolf's qi.

"I guess the wolf with the qi is the leader among them," Bell said as he noticed that the wolf that was first sent the qi soon grabbed an animal corpse from the pile before starting to feast on it. After examining a bit more, he noticed that the wolf took the largest corpse among the pile, prompting the other wolves to look at the wolf with a hint of envy.

Not long after, the wolf leader sent another mote of qi towards another wolf, allowing that wolf to choose a corpse from the pile before moving away to feast on it like the first one. This process continued until all of the wolves were able to grab a corpse from the pile, leaving the leader with none.

Naturally, seeing as how the wolves had something to eat while the leader had none made Bell confused as he thought to himself, 'Surely the leader would be able to feed on a corpse far larger than theirs, right?'

Sure enough, the answer to his question was soon answered as the wolf leader started to travel away from the wolf pack in search for his own food, prompting Bell to follow it as he thought to himself, 'Since that wolf has qi, I might be able to obtain qi before being given the ability to cultivate.'

Of course, Bell made sure to not let himself be seen by the wolf. Though, with his current size, as well as the evolution he had gone through, it was unlikely that he would be seen by the wolf, and that was even without the [Stealth] skill being activated.

Eventually, the wolf leader had stopped moving as it noticed that another animal was tracking it. With that, it let out a howl as if it was taunting that animal. Fortunately, the wolf leader's move had worked, allowing the wolf leader and Bell to see the animal tracking it.

"A tiger!" Bell shouted as he saw a tiger gradually get closer to the wolf leader while it growled with immense ferocity. In response to the tiger's growl, the wolf leader let out a low growl, as if it was telling the tiger to make its move.

And so, with the wolf leader's taunting, the tiger went ahead and pounced at the wolf leader, which the wolf leader hastily dodged to the side before landing a hit on the tiger's abdomen. While doing so, the wolf leader manifested a mote of qi before sending it towards the paw he used to attack the tiger.


At the very instant the mote of qi was absorbed by the wolf leader's paw, the speed and force at which the paw was moving increased by a substantial amount, landing a strong hit on the tiger's abdomen to the point that it even fell down from the attack as it wailed in pain.

Although the attack from the wolf leader was not critical, the tiger had surprisingly not experienced that much pain in its life before, prompting it to growl in pain for quite some time before it could stand up. At this point, Bell now had an idea at what the conclusion was going to be like as he muttered, "And with that, the wolf leader has won."

Opening its jaw to the widest it could go, the wolf leader then sent a few motes of qi towards its jaw as it bit down on the tiger's neck as hard as it could. Just like how the wolf leader's paw increased in speed and force after being infused with qi, the wolf leader's jaw had also increased in strength after being infused with qi, turning into a vicious clamp that mostly removed the tiger's head from its body, with only a few sinews and tendons connecting the two.

"Who knew qi could improve one's strength by that much," Bell could not help but say as he watched the wolf leader feast on the tiger's body not long after. Sure, he may have read the difference between having qi and not having qi through the web novels he read in his pastime, but reading was vastly different from seeing it for oneself.

"In any case, time to do what I came here to do," he said not long after as he landed on the wolf leader's body, double checking to make sure that the wolf leader was currently occupied with feasting on the tiger's corpse. He then commanded the system to show the amount of Impure Blood Energy he could siphon from the wolf, which was surprisingly a hundred points higher than the wolf he had siphoned from before.

"Is it because of the qi it can control?" he pondered to himself, to which he eventually decided he would ask the system after he was done siphoning the wolf leader dry of its blood. Poking its proboscis through its skin, Bell started to siphon the wolf leader's blood, eventually being notified that his storage was now full. With that, he commanded the system in his mind, "Evolve [Enhanced Blood Storage]."


Not long after, a small screen with two choices appeared in front of his field of vision just like the occasions from before. Looking at the choices he had, he then asked the system, "Could I get a short description of what they do rather than having to identify them?"

Surprisingly, the system acceded to his requests, saying, "The owner's words have been taken into consideration. All skill evolution choices shall now be accompanied by a short description."



Please choose between the following:

[Expansive Blood Storage] - Maximum level of 30. Increases maximum capacity by 4 points per level.

[Refined Blood Storage] - Maximum level of 30. Increases maximum capacity by 2 points per level. Reduces the amount of Impure Blood Energy needed to form Pure Blood Energy.


"So the choices are like what they were before," Bell could not help but mutter, unhesitatingly choosing the first one as he still did not have any idea on what Pure Blood Energy was. Not only that, he was also thinking the cost of upgrading the Constitution skills later on, which meant he needed even more storage for Impure Blood Energy.

Though, his worries would soon become unfounded as another notification had appeared just as he finished evolving [Enhanced Blood Storage].


[Enhanced Blood Storage Lv. MAX -> Expansive Blood Storage Lv. 1]

[Maximum Capacity +4]

[With 'Blood Storage' undergoing two evolutions, you have unlocked the skill 'Lesser Blood Dimension'!]

[Maximum Capacity +100]

"Huh?!" Seeing that the amount of blood he could store at once had instantly increased by a whole 100 points, he could not help but instantly fixate his sense of vision towards the name of the skill that allowed such a thing to happen.

"[Lesser Blood Dimension]…? System, could you tell me what it does?" Bell asked not long after, to which the system replied not long after as a screen filled to the brim with the skill's description soon appeared in front of Bell's field of vision.


[Lesser Blood Dimension]

A storage skill that expands the maximum capacity of the 'Blood Storage' skill even further. From the name of the skill itself, it is a skill that allows one to store more blood without impacting the outer appearance of the user as it transfers all siphoned blood to another dimension. At the moment, it can currently hold 100 points of Impure Blood Energy. Every upgrade done to this skill increases the maximum capacity by 100 points.


After reading through the skill's description, Bell could not help but think that it would be better for him to allocate his Impure Blood Energy towards [Lesser Blood Dimension] in the long run. Nevertheless, he did not know how much blood it would cost at the moment, so he commanded the system to show him his status screen. As he focused on the cost of upgrading [Lesser Blood Dimension], he then muttered to himself, "Let's see how many times I can upgrade this skill using this wolf leader's blood."

"System, allocate every blood I siphon from this animal towards upgrading [Lesser Blood Dimension]," he said not long after as he started to madly siphon through his proboscis.

While doing so, the system replied, "The owner's words have been taken into consideration. All Impure Blood Energy obtained from the current animal shall be allocated towards [Lesser Blood Dimension]."


As time passed, the wolf leader noticed that its body was becoming weaker and weaker as time passed, prompting it to become on high alert as it stopped munching on the tiger it killed. It soon looked around the surroundings, wanting to know who was making it become weaker. Unfortunately, before the wolf leader could even find out who the culprit was, it had already lost every drop of blood inside its body as its consciousness gradually faded away into non-existence.


With a soft thud, the wolf leader lied there on the ground beside the tiger corpse it killed. If one did not know any better, anyone passing by this would think the wolf leader had won against the tiger through a pyrrhic victory, but would then question themselves why there were no injuries on the wolf leader.

As for Bell, he did not care about that as all as he looked at the notification he had obtained from the system.


[Lesser Blood Dimension Lv. 1 -> Lv. 4]

[Maximum Capacity +300]

After that, he commanded the system to show the upgrade cost of [Lesser Blood Dimension], to which it complied not long after.



[Lesser Blood Dimension Lv. 4] - 130 Impure Blood Energy to upgrade


"So it costs me 10 more points than the previous level to upgrade it, huh…" Bell calculated before his attention fixated towards the previous place the wolf leader was at. Recalling the pack of wolves that were still feasting on the corpses they chose, Bell could not help but think to himself, 'I might hate the system at times, but it's also at times like these that I love the system.'

'With that in mind…'

'…why not go and start a killing spree?'