Clarity on Body cleansing realm

'Why am I having a feeling that the fire vine seed is excited to see me?'

Looking at the fire vine seed, which was hovering in his dantian, Henrick silently thought to himself.


From the moment the fire vine seed has entered into the master's dantian, the seed considers you as its closest family. So, of course, it is excited, to see you, master.

As usual, the system clarified Henrick's doubts which made him nod his head in understanding.

'According to the system, this is the greatest battle companion to a cultivator. So, let's give some pure internal fire energy,'

With a thought, Henrick sent exactly one percent of pure internal fire energy to the small seed.


Before the pure internal fire energy could reach it, the fire vine seed crazily absorbed the incoming internal energy and within a few moments, the one percent of the pure fire energy was swallowed by the fire seed.

'From the looks of it, this seed is very greedy,'