Punching bag mission for Spark

Next day morning,

Inside Henrick's cultivation abode,

'Eek eek'

'Eek eek'


"Why are you shouting this early? Please stop it and let me sleep for a while,"

Henrick, who was still sleeping on his stonen bed was irritated by the baby fire monkey's shouts and asked it to stop making noises very early in the morning.

'It has become a habit for you to shout early in the morning,'

After waking up from the deep sleep by Spark's shouts, Henrick was having trouble sleeping and with an annoyed expression on his face he got up from the stone bed.

As soon as he got up from the stone bed, he looked at the baby fire monkey, which was standing near the hot water pool.

'Not again,'

Seeing that the baby fire monkey was shouting at its own reflection in the pool once again, Henrick shook his head before doing a few regular exercises.


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