Bronze Minotaur body


Daily chapters (2/2)


At night,

In Henrick's cultivation abode,


There was a gurgling sound coming from the small hot pool. 

Inside the pool, there was a young man, whose entire body was immersed in the pool except for his head that was half sunk in the water with the other half outside the pool.

Every now and then, the gurgling sound continued to come from his mouth.


"Where am I?"

All of a sudden, the young man came to his consciousness with a cough and looked at his surroundings as he muttered to himself.


Only when he noticed he was in his cultivation abode, the young man became relaxed and heaved a sigh of relief before trying to remember what had happened to him.

That's right! He was none other than Henrick, who was thrown away by the baby fire monkey's fire fist.