Contribution Hall

After the misunderstanding between the Elder Shi and Henrick, the old woman asked for the mission paper from Henrick's hands with a calm look on her face.

"Sorry, Elder. Here is my mission paper,"

As soon as he heard her, Henrick hurriedly gave her the mission paper in his hands and silently thought in his head, 'Just as mom said, the old cultivators always get irritated for nothing.'

 When he was little, his mother always used to say that he had to be careful with the old people because they tend to get irritated by every small thing. So, he didn't bother to argue with the Elder Shi and he even apologized to her.

When Henrick apologized to her, Elder Shi calmed down a little and studied the mission paper that Henrick gave her.

"Huh? Do you even know about your mission?"

After reading everything on the mission paper, the Elder Shi asked with an expressionless face.

"Yes, I know about it,"